Reporting out of date links


Aug 20, 2004
Hi there,
Apologies if I make too many points in one thread (mods by all means edit the post). I work for printing company that has two novelty ID card businesses. We have previously been in the ODP for one of these sites ( in Computers/Hacking/Fake_Identification/) but were removed for an unknown reason quite a while ago. At the time we were overly busy so it wasn't our most important priority, recently however I looked into getting back into the directory (and with the previously unlisted which I believe from an editors/users point of view is sufficiently unique to warrant its own listing, though I may be wrong on this).

It was whilst re/submitting that I saw many links were out of date in the said category. With my public spirited hat on I decided to apply to be an editor especially as there was none specific to the category. I was unfortunately unsuccessful (no qualms with that as the reasons given by the reviewer "Category unsuitable for a trainee." and "Category has a daunting backlog." seemed fair enough) I was just wondering if I could be of any help by reporting the bad links? I am aware of the Abuse system, it just seemed a tad heavy handed.

Many Thanks,
Kate Hayter

P.S. I noticed while searching here that there has recently been a post by another business in the same category, just to note that I have no links with any other party (thought I should make that clear as 2 posts from such a small category in the same week seemed a little odd).


Oct 1, 2002
Please do let us know of any dead links in the category, there's a sticky thread in here .

Public spirited editors are just the sort we need - always provided they can read and write, of course ;) That particular category might not be suitable for a beginner, but there's another 54,000 odd to choose from. Your home town, a hobbie, favourite band.. need I go on?

Oh, I almost forgot, is currently awaiting review in that category.


Aug 20, 2004
Further to the very quick and helpful reply by paulknight I have been waiting for the past few months for the re-listing of and the possible new listing of . As it has been quite a few months now is there any chance of an update on their status?

Many Thanks
Kate Hayter

P.S. As mentioned previously I did apply to become an editor of this category but was informed that there was a daunting backlog. Obviously that’s quite understandable but how in that case can there ever be a new specific category editor appointed as opposed to a relying on a general one higher up the chain?
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