Request Status

Hi there,

I'm wondering whether anyone can help me with details of my site submission to the ODP? I originally submitted my personal homepage Dave Gee Online a year or so to DMOZ under the category

It got listed under that category, but then disappeared again sometime this year.

The main focus of my homepage is photos from my seasons at two performing arts summer camps in the USA. I resubmitted my site under a different category , but on emailing the editor to enquire, found that that it had been reviewed, but found to be not suitable for the Camping Personal Pages category and was forwarded to the general Personal Pages category for review.

(I also tried submitting it under my city's regional category, but kept getting errors back).

I was wondering whether this is still pending, or whether I should resubmit to a different category - one I have since found which seems to fit is

Sorry about the long-winded message! - Hope it makes some sort of sense?!

Would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions as to what I should do/what I'm doing wrong <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />

Dave Goosselink


Mar 25, 2002
In June of this year, it was noted that your site was under construction. As the guidelines state. we don't list sites that are under construction - therefore your listing was removed from Recreation/Camps/Youth/Performing_Arts/. At the end of September, it was noted that although your site was still partially under construction it did have sufficient content to list - but only under Society/People/Personal_Homepages/G .

It is now awaiting review in that category with around 300 other sites. Yep - that's a lot. But the PHp (Personal Homepages) categories attract, shall we say, rather low quality sites sometimes. It takes a saint-like being to think of a way of describing flashing, multicolored, music-in-the-backgroup poorly designed websites that are common around those sections. It will probably be a few months before your site is reviewed.

Cheers heaps for that info.

As the majority of my website is dedicated to photos of campers and staff from my summer camps over the past 3 years, do you think it would be worth submitting the site to the Recreation/Camps/Youth/Alumni category (that I only recently discovered) once I have uploaded my new photos from this past summer?

The summer camp sections make up over 80% of my website, but would it need to be 100% to qualify for this category?


Dave Goosselink


Oct 2, 2002

After slogging through many personal homepages in the last couple weeks, I'll give you my opinion.

If I came across I would list it under Personal_Homepages. Why? It's a typical personal homepage. Photos, favorite music, "About Me" page, etc.

However may qualify for a listing in Performing_Arts (note: it's up to the local editor, not me.)

Just the thoughts of a humble PHP editor,

ODP editor ishtar

Sorry, Forgive a relative newbie at all this...

Do you mean my index (domain name) page under Personal Homepages, as well as the Summer Camp section under the relevant category in Performing Arts?

I thought each site was allowed only 1 listing (plus 1 regional if applicable), and "deeplinking" into lower pages was not allowed?



Oct 2, 2002

Deeplinking is usually not allowed. Although there are some exceptions.

I was actually thinking that you could submit the Summer Camp section to Performing Arts, and let the local editor (or maybe a helpful editall who happens to wander by) decide if it deserves a deeplink. The local editor may find useful content there (I don't know, I'm not familiar with the subject).

It's just that your site is a little (okay, a lot) better quality than the majority of the sites listed in PHP. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


ODP editor ishtar
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