Requested description change, but it got removed



Recently we requested a description change for, but instead of getting the description changed, it ended up removed!

Any idea what might have happened?

Do we just need to re-submit?


Mar 25, 2002
The URL was removed from the category because a reviewing editor decided that what they regarded as excessive advertising and software which autodownloads from the site offset the value of the other content on the site.



First of all, I don't know anything about software auto-downloading from the site. I'll check with the webmaster about that, but I don't think that's accurate.

As far as the rest of it, yes, there are pop-ups (it IS, after all a promotional site for games). There was a bug for a while that was causing it to pop up a new ad on each page you went to, but that's fixed. I'm guessing the editor hit when that was going on.

It has been the #1 source of both free game demos and video game trailers for many years, with hundreds of thousands of affiliate sites and tens of thousands of direct links. Check any of the search engines (only now the rankings are dropping since it got pulled from ODP, but still...).

I can pass the information on to the webmaster, but I hope you'll re-visit and reconsider the site (I've submitted a new listing for it -- the old one was bad, anyway).


Mar 25, 2002
hundreds of thousands of affiliate sites and tens of thousands of direct links

Does the site have any unique content of it's own or is it just affiliate links and links to other sites. If so, it's probably not going to be listed in the ODP.


No -- it doesn't have links to affiliate sites -- there are thousands of affiliate sites that link to it. The Gigex Top 50 is on gaming sites all over the Web -- a Google search turned up over 1,500 results.


Mar 25, 2002
Cool - I was only asking because I didn't look at the site itself. I really don't know why this was deleted, but I've put it back in to be reviewed by a Games editor.


enarra said it's listed now, but I don't see it -- am I missing something?


Nov 6, 2002
Re: Requested description change, but it got remov

There are delays in the update of the publicly viewable pages, related to our current upgrade efforts. But it is listed and it will appear in due course.


Freeware, shareware, or both

Shareware, definitely, if you want to call it that. The primary content is video game trailers and demo versions of all the latest commercial PC games. Every once in a while there's something like America's Army (Gigex is one of their delivery partners)

Yes, this stuff is all over the web. It's all over the web because there are thousands of Gigex affiliates out there linking to the Gigex Top 50.

I really don't understand what the hold-up is with getting the listing re-instated. Please let me know.

- Scott -


Nov 6, 2002
Re: Freeware, shareware, or both

Well, let's see if I can think of a better way to say it ...

Nope, I can't.

There are delays in the update of the publicly viewable pages, related to our current upgrade efforts. But it is listed and it will appear in due course.


Re: Freeware, shareware, or both

Sorry for the double-comment to that effect. Really -- thanks. I just didn't understand that there was a delay. Is there a ballpark as to how long it takes from posting to publication?


Nov 6, 2002
Re: Freeware, shareware, or both

Normally listings appear on the public pages in a matter of either minutes or hours.

Since the current delay is related to our upgrade, I really can't give an estimate. If you insist on one, I'll say sometime between tomorrow and November. But please don't try to pin me down on which year's November.


Re: Freeware, shareware, or both

That would be really funny if it weren't costing us a lot of visitors!

Of course, since I get FAR more help here from volunteers than I do with a Yahoo listing, I won't complain! :)


May 26, 2002
Re: Freeware, shareware, or both

Things had to get worse before they get better, but the "worse" is only from a website owner's perspective; the general public never noticed a thing when the data reverted to a version that is about 6 weeks old now.

You see, the ODP servers were so overloaded that a few months ago we reached a point that every other outside submit ended in a 500 Server Error and the submission was lost. The person had to start over. This caused some people to complain that they could not submit. However, did you (the "you" is not aimed at any one person here, by the way) ever stop and think that maybe editors were having problems too? Yes, we were, and lots of them. Some days, every other edit, sometimes every edit had the same problem. You would write a nice title and description, hit submit, and the work would be eaten. We all quickly learned to copy and paste to and from a text editor, before submitting anything, but it still didn't help your patience to have to submit something ten times before it took.

New servers were on order for many months, and the upgrades finally happened in June and July, and some parts are still being worked on. The editors now have a separate machine, which fliiiiiieeeeesssss compared to the old one that was shared with the public. Editing is now a pleasure, and not a task. In order to carry out the upgrade work though, the public side had to be frozen with data from early June while the edit side and site submission was down.

You shouldn't be worrying too much about what appears at as that will not account for much traffic. We don't "do Google" here, but their directory is at least 4 months behind the ODP version, even though the ODP has been banging out updated data nearly every week for the last 6 months. The final product of editor's work is not regarded as being the public viewable HTML pages at but rather the big data file that is available at which downstream users collect to compile and update their own versions of the directory. That data is up to date, but a lot of well known sites don't bother to come back for updates as often as you might think they should. In fact, it is disappointing (to me) to see some ODP-clones still using data from two or three years ago, now sadly outdated, full of dead links, and virtually empty categories.

Although nothing to do with us what downstream users do with the data (as long as correct attribution is given for the use of that data) you might be better employed in trying to get some of the prehistoric clones to get a new copy of the RDF and update their pitiful renditions of the ODP to something a bit more modern.

Please take these comments as a general release of facts rather than a rebuttal of comments above or aimed at anyone in particular.


Mar 25, 2002
Re: Freeware, shareware, or both

Good answer giz :)

The only thing that I would dispute is your comment "The final product of editor's work is not regarded as being the public viewable HTML pages at but rather the big data file that is available..."

I was always under the impression that the final product of our work is to build the "largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web". As far as I know, the RDF is an added bonus :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Freeware, shareware, or both

Hmm. The RDF is the deliverable instantiation of the Directory. The public pages at are merely another tool to help build the RDF -- they are the way that people can submit sites.

I can understand you worrying about your lost sales this week. But you MUST understand that I WON'T worry about it because I have no control over it.

When the ODP public pages are out of date for a month, approximately 100,000 sites are affected -- for a month. When the ODP editor pages are unusable or down for a week, the net effect is that 25,000 sites are affected for their entire lifetime (average of, say, 2 years) -- about 5 times as serious an impact ON THE WEBMASTERS.

So: you all really want us to get our toys back pronto, even if you can't watch us play!


Re: Freeware, shareware, or both

Listen, I wasn't complaining -- both the service and information I've received in response to this has been great. My only real complaint was it getting removed in the first place, but since that was due to a problem on our site, it's somewhat understandable, if very unfortunate.

I understand very well the frustration of not having your tools working well, and it's doubly so when you're volunteering. Hope this all gets ironed out soon.

- Scott -
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.