Requesting new category in Massage & Bodywork

Sep 18, 2011
Dear Editor,

I am requesting a new category be created in the Massage Therapy and Bodywork heading:

The name of the category is called Active Isolated Stretching developed by Aaron Mattes: <url removed>

Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) has been practiced for forty years by Aaron Mattes. He teaches workshops internationally. There are about twenty of his students that teach his method.

Active Isolated Stretching is a form of assisted stretching. A therapist helps the client to stretch. Aaron Mattes has identified key areas of stretching that need to be revised. He incorporated these findings into the AIS model.

AIS therapy is distinguishable from conventional stretching, thai massage, yoga, rolfing, or PNF stretching.

Some key points of AIS:

1. The target muscle must be in a relaxed position.

2. Stretch in repetitions instead of one long stretch.

3. Hold the stretch for two seconds only, then repeat.

4. Stretch each target muscle at multiple angles to thoroughly open the muscle.


Websites that address Active Isolated Stretching:

<urls removed>


Thank you for your consideration,

Anthony Ohm


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Editors create categories as needed based on sites awaiting review and usually after discussion in the internal forums with other editors.

Feel free to suggest the sites related to AIS to the parent category where you think an AIS category should be. (Note: I'm not sure that massage and bodywork is the right place for such a category -- Health/Fitness/Flexibility seems much more relevant. This is why internal discussion of category placement is usually required before a category is created.)
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