Requesting submission status of


Nov 14, 2004
Oh Noooooooooooo say it aint so

Does this now mean that after having submited this site for my wife three months ago I now have to submit it again and start the clock over? :cry:

I would have contacted DMOZ sooner, but I was trying to show patients with the process. I know I should have checked back sooner as I was a bit surprised it was taking this long as her site is pretty good (small but good) since both she and I both used to work on cruise ships and I thought that her pages would be found useful to those who have never been on a cruise ship before and so she had a pretty good shot of getting accepted.

Please let me know if I need to re-submit, maybe any comments on if I had picked the correct catagory to begin with and if there is anyway to know for sure the submission succeeded if I need to do this again.




Nov 14, 2004
:) Awesome, thanks for tracking it down. Are you the editor (would that be DJ?) in charge of my sites submission status and if so do you have any information on it that you can pass on?




Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Are you the editor (would that be DJ?) in charge of my sites submission status....

I don't know where people get the idea that there IS any such thing! I know we hear from many people who share the bizarre fantasy that one editor rules a category with a rod of iron, shattering unwanted competitors like Chia pets under a triphammer. But this is taking the whole concept of reductionalistic fascism to a new level.

Editors have privileges (not authority!) over specific categories. But any editor, anywhere, can review any site (submitted or not) anytime, with a view towards listing it in any category. Any editor with category privileges can add a site there -- submitted or not. BUT NO editor, ANYWHERE, stands around watching ANY site (submitted or not) to see whether some OTHER editor is about to review it.

Boy, if the ODP were like these nightmarish visions, I assure you, I'd hate editing more than you could possibly hate waiting for me to edit. I'd be out of here in a New Jersey microsecond, to go somewhere where volunteers were valued and respected. And you could wait forever and a California eon for ANY edit to happen, for all I'd care.


Nov 14, 2004
Thanks for the update Sole and for using a civilized tough which is far more then I can say for some other people.

Not sure what your problem is Hutcheson, but lets go over my question and your answer (or should I say tirade?) to see if we can figure out where your outburst may have come from.

My post:
"Awesome, thanks for tracking it down. Are you the editor (would that be DJ?) in charge of my sites submission status and if so do you have any information on it that you can pass on?"

Hucheson's first paragraph:

"I don't know where people get the idea that there IS any such thing! I know we hear from many people who share the bizarre fantasy that one editor rules a category with a rod of iron, shattering unwanted competitors like Chia pets under a triphammer. But this is taking the whole concept of reductionalistic fascism to a new level."

Because I've been told that some categories (maybe not all) have editors assigned to them, whether that's true or not I don't know. If this is not true then it would appear my only crime here is not being fully informed of how editors do their jobs. Does this lack of knowledge always receive such rude responses from Hucheson or other editors? I noted that both sole and djdeeds were civilized and helpful in their responses so it would appear that this is not a DMOZ policy to be rude.

Hucheson paragraph #2:

"Editors have privileges (not authority!) over specific categories. But any editor, anywhere, can review any site (submitted or not) anytime, with a view towards listing it in any category. Any editor with category privileges can add a site there -- submitted or not. BUT NO editor, ANYWHERE, stands around watching ANY site (submitted or not) to see whether some OTHER editor is about to review it."


Ok so that's news to me, but I'm now somehow a terrible "fantasy living fascist" for having suggested such a thing! Heaven forbid I be so insensitive!

Hucheson paragraph #3:

"Boy, if the ODP were like these nightmarish visions, I assure you, I'd hate editing more than you could possibly hate waiting for me to edit. I'd be out of here in a New Jersey microsecond, to go somewhere where volunteers were valued and respected. And you could wait forever and a California eon for ANY edit to happen, for all I'd care."


Please explain to me where my assumption that a particular editor was assigned to certain areas of DMOZ and the submissions made there somehow creates disrespect toward ANY editor? I really want to know because as far as I’m concerned I NEVER made any disrespectful comments toward any editor or devalued their work as a DMOZ editor. Yet you have not only falsely accused me of such, you’ve labeled me as being a fascist and living in a fantasy world. It would appear to me that “I” am the one being disrespected and de-valued here not you or any of the other editors who have responded to my submission request.

In the end all I did was follow the DMOZ rules and ask if I could get an update on my wife’s site which I am allowed to do after one month and I waited patiently and didn't ask till the three month mark. Then I had the audacity to suggest that a single editor had the yea or nay power over my wife’s site and I am now being called names (fascist) by a DMOZ editor. If that is somehow a crime great enough to be called names by an editor, and then to be accused of disrespecting all DMOZ editors and treating them as un-valued people then I'd like to know what Hucheson might call me or accuse me of if I were to use the language he uses and the unfounded accusations he's made against me.

In the mean time I have to go to church now (yes even evil vile people like me go to church) so when I get back I will look up in the DMOZ guidelines if I have any rights as a submitter to complain against this editors degrading and rude treatment that I’ve received at his/her hands.


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