Requesting url change


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You use the "update listing" link in that category to request any kind of change, from misspelled word in description to category change, listing removal, or, as in this case, URL change.

Include a brief explanation as to why -- "it's my site, and I'm moving it to a different domain" is plenty.

And if at all possible, make sure that when a surfer (whether ODP editor or not) goes to the OLD domain, he comes away with the impression, "this site has moved to a new domain."

Why do this? Remember that you cannot "request" a change at all, you can only "suggest" a change (it's a whole different attitude and mindset.) We're happy to get anybody's suggestion -- and if you are the real site owner, we really WANT to know what YOU know about what the real domain name is. But we aren't going to take ANY suggestions until we check them on the ground -- and in this case, the relevant ground is the OLD domain. An editor might well say, "hmm, this domain doesn't look like it's moved. dunno where this person gets off claiming to be the site owner, when anyone can see the site is still alive and well at its old address." (And that is not what you want to happen. So, if you can, make sure it doesn't happen.)


Sep 4, 2006
Sorry, I forgot on the update link on the top navigation. Yes, I am the site owner.

Thank you hutcheson! :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Here in the forums, I assumed you were the site owner -- most such suggestions do come from the site owners. But ... the editor reviewing the change probably would NOT make that assumption -- some people try to hijack website listings this way; there's no quick, good way of checking for site ownership; and in the end, it really doesn't matter who makes a suggestion -- it's either a good idea (based on what's on the website) or it isn't.
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