Restaurant Guide - Philly area -- need help finding proper listing


Aug 31, 2005
I'd really like to get my site listed, but I have had no luck thus far. I fear that I have approched this incorrectly, so I have come here for some advice. The site is; it is a dining/restaurant guide for the "Main Line" suburbs of Philadelphia.

I originally submitted it into dmoz category called "Top: Regional: North America: United States: Pennsylvania: Regions: Lehigh Valley: Business and Economy: Restaurants and Bars: Guides and Directories ". I am not technically in the Lehigh Valley, but the link I clicked on to get to this page said "Lehigh Valley and Philadelphia" and there was another site that had Philadelphia restaurant reviews in the category. I did mention in my submission that this was not really correct (b/c Philly is not in the Lehigh Valley), but thought it was the best match anyway. Several months went by, and my site was never listed. The other Philadelphia site, however, was removed, leading me to believe that someone agreed about the category being misused.

Thinking that my site had been rejected because it was not Lehigh Valley, I submitted it again, one category above, to "Top: Regional: North America: United States: Pennsylvania: Business and Economy: Restaurants and Bars: Guides and Directories " Most sites in this category cover the entire state, but it was the best I could find.

Turns out this was my mistake, certainly, because I have now come across a number of other categories where my site would actually fit much better. I don't want to submit again, for I already fear that I might be considered spam for submitting twice.

There are several categories where my site may actually belong -- none match exactly but all make some kind of sense. There is a category under Philadelphia for restaurant/bar guides and directories, but since I really don't deal with Philadelphia I'm not sure this would be correct. There are "Philadelphia Metro" arts/entertainment, and guides/directories sections, although neither is specific to restaurants. Finally, there is a southeast pennsylvania guides and directories, which again is more specific to my geography but not specific to the topic.

Anyway, I've rambled far too long -- if anyone has any advice for getting listed in the right spot without offending any editors along the way, I would greatly appreciate it.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
At the moment your site is reviewed the editor will decide if it is suggested in the right category. If not, and the site is listable, (s)he will move it to the correct category.


Mar 8, 2004
For future reference, it seems to me that the best category would be [cat=Regional/North_America/United_States/Pennsylvania/Metro_Areas/Philadelphia_Metro/Business_and_Economy/Restaurants_and_Bars/]Regional: North America: United States: Pennsylvania: Metro Areas: Philadelphia Metro: Business and Economy: Restaurants and Bars[/cat]. In Regional, we consider geography first (Philly Metro), then topic (Restaurants), then format (Guides). (I believe you'll find the the other Philadelphia site in that category, although you didn't name it.)

But there's no need to resubmit.


Aug 31, 2005
thanks arubin, that is on the money. (and yes the other site is there)

appreciate the help!
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