Resubmission after major content update?


Sep 5, 2005
Hello, I have not done so yet, but I am planning some major content updates to my website in the near future. I submitted my site to the dmoz about a month ago and it isn't listed yet, but the category that I submitted it to will still be the most appropriate even after my content update. I believe that my updates will make my site truely unique compared to the others listed in that category and would be a benifit to the directory. Anyway, can I resubmit my site to this same category after I make these changes? If so, how long should I wait (I read elsewhere in the forums something about resubmitting once every 6 months), and should I do something special to mark this as an updated submission so that it gets reviewed again (if it got rejected the first time, I would like the editor to re-review it) and not viewed as spam (if it hasn't been reviewed yet) or just tossed out because it was already rejected?
Thank you in advance, and I hope this post isn't too confusing with all the () ;) !


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'd wait at LEAST six months after the latest submittal, and a couple of months after the content changes.

That way, IF an editor reviewed and rejected before the content changes, then the next submittal would be perceived as being several months after the review -- and thus wouldn't be an "obvious duplicate submittal delete". Also, add at the end of the proposed description a note to the editor in square brackets, something like: "[added content: 40 pictures of the grass growing in my backyard, two MP3s of my dog barking at visitors]" to give the editor an idea of what is different this time.

There's no guarantee that an editor will NOT re-review the site if you omit any (or all!) of those steps, but that is probably the best way to make sure that a re-review is not prevented or prejudiced by prior site submittals or reviews.

This should all be obvious if you put yourself in the shoes of an editor, who doesn't want to waste time dealing with duplicate-submittal spam: and if you remember that one of the irritating kind of submitters we have has the "I just got rejected, time to re-submit immediately" attitudinal jerk.

So you just make sure that WHENEVER the site is resubmitted, it's not immediately after a review, and it's not anywhere close to immediately after another submittal. And you make sure the editor knows right up front there's a reason for this resubmittal.

Simple, eh?


Sep 5, 2005
one of the irritating kind of submitters we have has the "I just got rejected, time to re-submit immediately" attitudinal jerk.

hahaha :)

Ok great, thanks for the very helpful information and quick reply, I will do as suggested!
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