Resubmitting - consequences...



I submitted my site while back and am waiting to be listed. It has only been (not quite) a month, so I don't expect to be in already.

Since submitting I found another category where my site would equally fit into - ran by the same editor. Now, I have checked the DMOZ every day, and have gotten confused as to which of the 2 categories I have submitted to!

My question is this - if I resubmit, to both categories - will this be considered as 'spamming'?




Jan 23, 2003
My suggestion is that you simply wait patiently. Sure, you could probably resubmit, and we'll not brand a Red S on your forehead, but why make extra work for one of our volunteer editors?

When the site gets reviewed (which could take as little as two minutes or more than two years) you then have an opportunity to request that the site be moved to a better category if it is not already in the better category. If it is not accepted for inlcusion in the directory, then it is all moot anyhow.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.