Same site submitted to two categories


Apr 23, 2004
Hello Sir,

I was looking at the status for few of my sites which I have submitted long back but till now not listed.

Well I have been following the listing for some of my site which is already listed in one category. Now when we submit to other category we have been denied with doing so. But surprisingly many websites have been listed in more than one category. Could you give me an idea why does it so?

Even if we follow the exact rule, submit only once, submit one page, submit with descriptive description etc., we find it difficult to get listed while many others follow all the reversal and are listed in more than one category?

If we cannot submit to more than one category then how the other sites got listed in more than one category? Could you please advice me..?

Thanking you
JK Raghu


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Please read the FAQ you find in the top navigation of this forum, it will answer most of your questions.

If we cannot submit to more than one category then how the other sites got listed in more than one category?
Not all listings are triggered by a suggestion. In fact most of the multiple listings are done by editors following our guidelines. Submissions are considered a help for editor to find a site, and to helkp us find it you just have to suggest it once. Everything else can and will be done by our editors.


Aug 13, 2004
General Query

If a site does not qualify for a particular category / sub-category, then where can it find place in ODP.
In other words, if a site qualifies for more than one category, where it can be visible in the directory.


Curlie Meta
Nov 24, 2003

There is no easy answer. You should try to choose the category which BEST fits your site. If there are multiple categories you feel fit. Pick the BEST one you can. Don't submit it multiple times - trust me on that!

Multiple listings may arise where editors feel a site is worthy of additional listings, however, you are not permitted to submit your site to multiple categories as a submitter. If you do make multiple submissions to multiple categories it is considered spamming, and may result in your site being removed from the directory entirely in some cases.

There are some exceptions to the multiple submissions rule. For instance see this FAQ item on Regional listings.
Also if your site is in more than one language - it may be eligible for an additional listings in the World hierarchy. See guidelines on multilingual sites.

Those are the only exceptions though. As I said above, additional submissions other than in those special cases are likely to be treated as an attempt to spam the directory,

Kind Regards,

Andy :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Typical case: awhile back, I was cleaning up after a submitter who had submitted multiple deeplinks of his site -- deleting all of them, of course. But one of them was on a subject that intrigued me, so I did some serious Google searching, and checked out some reputable sites, and built a new category. Most of the new links WERE deeplinks that had NOT been submitted.

From our point of view, that's the norm. Sites submitted many times are likely to be spam -- almost CERTAIN to be spam after having been submitted two or three dozen times. On the other hand, many sites worth deeplinking have NEVER been submitted -- editors found them on our own, recommended them to each other, expect to deeplink them almost every time they show up in searches, systematically review them looking for pages on random topics worth deeplinking.

Once you get your mind around the idea that submittals aren't the core of our apple, they're just the outer periphery -- sometimes the mold on the rind, so to speak -- this would be obvious.


Apr 23, 2004
Thanks for all your consturctive comment, I am now clear about the process.

One question, if I handle submission of 20 plus sites then can I give my own eamil in the submission form for all the sites submitted by me? I could not find answer for this question in FAQ.

Thanks again

With regards


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Of course you can. The email is _intended_ to contact the submitter in case the editor would like to enquire about something.
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