Scared to after 6 months

Mar 18, 2007
Sun., Feb. 24, 2008 6:30 EST

Dear whomever,
My website was listed in dmoz about 6 1/2 years ago to about 4 1/2 years ago.
Then I took my site off the internet.
Then I put it back on about a year ago.
At that time I tried to get into dmoz and couldn't.

I haven't submitted in almost 7 months.
I haven't a clue why I haven't been accepted.
The html is basic (4.01), yet I've worked extremely hard and revised it many times over the last 6 1/2 years.
I've even made the code extremely easy to read many times over.

(1) The url is like
(2) The title begins with a 5 digit number - a "comma" between the first 2 digits and the last 3, then a word
I could replace the comma with an html replacement character string of "6 characters" like what's in the middle of this html comment <!-- &nbsp; -->
(3) I wrote the description like other descriptions in the category it should be in.
Those descriptions weren't in complete sentences, they were phrases beginning with a capital letter and ending with a period.
(The category it should be in is extremely obvious, so that's not a problem.)

I wrote the description like this in a grammatical sequence with commas, with a comma then the word "and" just before the last item -
number, number, number, 2 words, 1 word, and 1 word plus 3 word prepositional phrase.
numbers are very fundamental to my site and 4 out of the 11 page titles begin with numbers

Then I changed the html descriptions in my pages to the above description.
I think I have less than a dozen keywords now in the html of all my pages.
I have revised the keywords many times too.

(4) My email address is at - I'm almost sure this isn't a problem either.

I've been thinking lately that my site might not be included since it's basically static, containing much educational-like information.

Appreciate it, dmoz-user-name


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
If your question is "Why haven't you relisted my website?", the answer is probably that no volunteer has got around to evaluating it yet.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.