Scubadiving Section?

Jan 8, 2006
Hi, can I know if the editors of the Scuba Diving section are still active in the DMOZ project?

My experience is that I owned over 12 diving websites, and since 2005. (january) I have submitted my sites... well over 13 months later not one of them is on DMOZ...

and guess what? every 4 months I do the whole process again.
I just find this quite :D funny.

Any idea?


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Jun 9, 2010
[Right here]

Since you have submitted your sites, nothing more needs to be done. It is really best to just forget about it now. There is no need to keep resubmitting every 4 months.

Thanks :)


Curlie Meta
Nov 24, 2003
A word to the wise!


You should only submit once. Future submissions overwrite earlier ones - so given that the unreviewed queue is sorted by date by default- you are potentially increasing the time to review your site as editors often review sites in date order.

Also if you own 12 sites - you should still generally only submit one of them. Multiple submissions of multiple sites by the same owner/business is considered spamming under our guidelines. The exception to this would be if you had created 12 sites for other businesses (say as a web designer) - but if the 12 sites are your own. Only 1 will normally be considered for a listing.

As for whether scuba diving categories are looked at by editors - they are. But since we're volunteers we contribute time as and when we can. I did some edits in the technical diving section and a lot in the European (mainly UK bit) diving section in December.

But we cannot predict when someone will look at a particular category - I review based on what interests me at the time :)
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