Search Database Updates?

My website was just recently listed on May 6, 2002, but I notice that the "DMOZ search database" has not been updated since April 28, 2002 and does not yet include my website, even though in the exact category I find my listing. When will the search database be updated again? Since the database hasn't been updated, I assume that means that any other search engines that utilize DMOZ listings do not yet have my website listed? Also, I recently changed my description of my website, and the final change has not yet been reviewed or updated. I am hoping and praying that the update of my description and the update of the search directory happen soon, with all info included! Any info on these questions would be greatly appreciated.


Mar 26, 2002
Dmoz search is usually updated a couple times a week but there has been maintenance on it lately so it hasn't been done in a while. I would not conclude that just because search has not been updated that your site is not in the RDF - I don't think there is a connection between the two but I might be wrong.

Since the database hasn't been updated, I assume that means that any other search engines that utilize DMOZ listings do not yet have my website listed?

Actually, your listing on those other search engines has nothing to do with the search engine on

Many of those other search engines pull data from a copy of the RDF dump they would have downloaded. Unless they have a copy of the RDF created after May 6, they wouldn't have your site listed. When those other search engines start using a copy of the RDF made after your site was listed, your site will appear on those search engines. We have no idea as to when the other search engines update the RDF dump they use. Google, for one, hasn't updated their RDF copy in nearly a month.

Some smaller search engines, however, pull live data from; these would have your site listed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.