Search for company name does note produce results?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Search for company name does note produce resu

You're WAY too impatient. The software lets editors keep adding sites while the RDF is being copied underneath them. It will take several days -- figure a week -- at a MINIMUM from listing to search.

Assuming nothing went wrong, the site might be in the next search index. If it isn't, the editors won't know why.

[All this assuming you're talking about search, which is an assumption I probably shouldn't have made. If you're talking about some REAL search engine, then assume 2 months as a low average.

But the answer will remain the same: ODP editors have no special knowledge of the search engines, any more than any other internet user.


Re: Search for company name does note produce resu

Thank you. All clear!!!


Re: Search for company name does note produce resu

It takes a while for the site to be reviewed, then added, then updated to the website, then for other sites to have access to it, then for them to add it to their sites. As you can see the process is not fast and is actually pretty efficient for the work that's done to get it there. :)
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