Search results

Hello. My site was added to the ODP directory last week...many thanks...but is not listed for its key serch words. It is listed for a rather obscure search phrase "risque lingerie". Can someone help or explain this to me. The site is and it is listed in the directory in Shopping: Clothing: Plus-Size: Women's: Lingerie: Exotic . The search term that is not coming up is "plus size lingerie". Any help would be appreciated.

ODP's search function is largely irrelevant. It exists mostly for the benefit of active editors. What you want to know is whether or not you turn up in Google and other places like that.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Hmmm kctipton, I dont think that answers the question, does it?
So I'll try /images/icons/smile.gif Reasons for this you can see in kctiptons post.

1) DMOZ does not scan your site. It takes only the entry you can see in the category. And this entry is not for being searchable but for giving the information to the user that the editor thinks the user needs. So please dont make a "change URL"-request requesting the addition of keywords. Wont be processed anyway.

2) If search terms that appear in your listing are not found ba DMOZ search please consider that search-engine is database-based /images/icons/smile.gif And this database isnt updated to often. Time of last update is shown below any page of search results.

3) DMOZ search-engine isnt state-of-the-art. If you want to get relevant information about siterankng for keywords use downstream-datausers like Google. In a cataloge it is sufficient if search finds a category that fits your search-term. Finding all sites in a category isnt really needed.

Hope that helped :/images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif


Apr 1, 2002
What kctipton and windharp said /images/icons/smile.gif

Also, please consider the category path. All sites in that category are supposed to offer sale of exotic lingerie in plus size for women. We try not to repeat redundant information in the site descriptions.

Hope that helps! /images/icons/smile.gif

Regards, Hilde


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
What hildea said. As you see, ALL the keywords you are interested in are ALREADY in the category name, which is logically associated with EVERY site there, including yours.

Now, you have noticed that some search engine, somewhere out there, DOESN'T use all the ODP information we are ALREADY giving them. That is true. But it would be incredibly foolish and futile of us to try to compensate for the information in one database field (category title) they aren't using, by manually duplicating the same information 3.5 million times in another field (website description) THAT THEY AREN'T USING EITHER!

You think the SEs could make better use of the information we're already giving them? So do I. I hope for all our sakes that Teoma's challenge is robust enough to challenge, say, Google to strengthen their "theming" algorithm using our category names...and that Teoma is clever enough to figure out how big an advantage ODP's data is to google, and to incorporate it into their own work.

But asking us to hand-keyword-stuff all our entries to overcome deficiencies in each of 2 or 3 major search engines is ... too much. And asking us to stuff just YOUR entry ... you could get an editor removed for showing favoritism like that.

Many thanks to everyone. I wasn't trying to ask for any favoritism just more of an explanation of how everything works. And I have to agree with the hope that Teoma will pose a viable challenge to G>>>>E. Again thanks.
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