searchkiwi - Free search engine submission


Apr 18, 2006
Free search engine submission

Hi was just reading some of the past posts regarding this topic and I was wondering if someone could please set me straight. I have recently submitted my site [url removed] and I was wondering if our submission side of things was considered to be a free submission tool as I have in the past struck this particular search term as an option but had figured that our page [url removed] would not meet the criteria of a free search engine submission tool due to the fact that it only submits to our sites i.e. I figured that it would need to submit to multiple sites to qualify. Am I correct or have I been sacrificing some good terms for nothing?
Thanks, any advice here would be appreciated. :)
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Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We don't evaluate specific websites here. If you've suggested it to what you think is the one best fit category, that's all you needed to do.

When an editor processes it, s/he'll either list it there, move it to somewhere more suitable for further evaluation or decide that it isn't listable anywhere and decline it. Until that appraisal is made, we shan't know what the end result will be.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Bear in mind that most (non-regional) sites will only be listed once, in a topical category based on their main focus. You can help by finding that category (or getting close to it) yourself, but if not your site will be moved to the right place by the reviewing editors. You're told on the submission form to submit your site to the single best category, so the question you should be asking (should have asked) yourself is whether the free search engine submission tool is the main focus of your site, or whether it's just a side-line and the site as a whole is about something else. Anyway, as Jim says, you've already submitted your site, so there's really nothing you need to do now.
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