SEO Pakistan Status


Sep 25, 2002

The site was rejected because no street address and/or phone number were indicated. The category desccription states:

Each site should clearly indicate its range of services, the country in which the business is located if outside the USA, and contact information including mailing or street address and/or telephone number.

Thank you


Mar 26, 2005
slipped !

Hi there,

telephone numbers are mentioned on top right corner of the website.... plz check might have slipped out. ... plz recheck thanks.

and if ur mentioning that i didnt provided contact info in form then there was no such field there ...
please help me out here
thank you ....

Best Regards,


Sep 25, 2002
If the site now fits the guidelines of the category, you can suggest it again.

You're welcome to check its status here in 6 months.

Please re-use this thread.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
But as the site doesn't comply with the 'category description' given before my advice would be to first change your site.
"contact information including mailing or street address"


Mar 26, 2005
Please look at this !

yapuka said:
If the site now fits the guidelines of the category, you can suggest it again.

You're welcome to check its status here in 6 months.

Please re-use this thread.


hi sir,
the website had the contact information and all, even @ that time when i submitted my website.
plz check below!

please check the timing when i got replies from you guys that site didnt had the address OR Telephone contact... it had Contact number since the begining..... you guys said this was the issue b/w 27-30 april and this index is of 19 APRIL....

and dear yapuka 6 months is a real long time ... is this some kinda stipulation on my site coz i will resubmitt my website again coz someone didn't care to give it a little weightage. please consider this.

please advice
Best Regards,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>is this some kinda stipulation on my site coz i will resubmitt my website again coz someone didn't care to give it a little weightage. please consider this.

A word of advice.

Your site did not comply, and does not comply, with the ODP guidelines.

Which, by the way, do NOT say, "the name and address of the SEO firm should be concealed so that they can only be found by looking in a forum on another continent for a URL on another server of a search program which will reveal a page containing that information."

That's either an odd oversight on our part, or a vast difference between OUR concept of "weightage" and yours.

If you expect surfers to go to that kind of trouble to find out who you are, your expectations of them are ... as unrealistic as your expectations of us.

And I can only imagine what you tell your customers. "No, actually, there are no links to your site on the internet. I don't work that way. Tell your friends that if anyone wants to find your site, they have to type a cryptic search URL on a server that is so secret it doesn't even have a domain name: After all, if a site is worth finding it's worth spending a little weightage!"

Get real. And ... consider this. Don't bother coming back at all unless you plan to take the advice editors are spending time to give you. You're wasting our time and yours.


Mar 26, 2005
yeah right!

hutcheson said:
>is this some kinda stipulation on my site coz i will resubmitt my website again coz someone didn't care to give it a little weightage. please consider this.

A word of advice.

Your site did not comply, and does not comply, with the ODP guidelines.

Which, by the way, do NOT say, "the name and address of the SEO firm should be concealed so that they can only be found by looking in a forum on another continent for a URL on another server of a search program which will reveal a page containing that information."

That's either an odd oversight on our part, or a vast difference between OUR concept of "weightage" and yours.

If you expect surfers to go to that kind of trouble to find out who you are, your expectations of them are ... as unrealistic as your expectations of us.

And I can only imagine what you tell your customers. "No, actually, there are no links to your site on the internet. I don't work that way. Tell your friends that if anyone wants to find your site, they have to type a cryptic search URL on a server that is so secret it doesn't even have a domain name: After all, if a site is worth finding it's worth spending a little weightage!"

Get real. And ... consider this. Don't bother coming back at all unless you plan to take the advice editors are spending time to give you. You're wasting our time and yours.

oh yeah my website doesnt have a url and its secret.
its my first time coming to you guys,
if u plz look in initial communication, you can see that it was said either address or contact number
it has the contact number.
and dear, if your so obssesed with doing public service, i would say dont do it. dont torture ur self.
plz, you guys are offering such a nice service, dont spoil the spirit like this.

anyways as you say i will resubmit my site, for reconsideration annd will wait for 6 mothsn to get a reply coz ur on the admin panel of the dmoz im not, anyways, next time i wouldnt disturb you, and wouldnt bother coming to you.

thanks to dmoz guys for this service and all you editors and you too sir.
thanks for your time.
wouldnt bother to come back again.
happy surfin
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