Shopping/Gifts/stores -site unlisted with no reply

Ok, I have been suckered into the typical "list your site" scams, but since that muck, I have gone straight and am now going bankrupt in order to fulfill my destiny. That is, if an editor would crawl my site and tell me if there is any, I repeat any low life grunge on my site that is preventing me from being listed. I venture to say that most people who have been unemployed for 7 months want to try and get it right. What's my site's problem guys?


Rough business that. For example

"This is the highest quality 5-Ply Steam Control™ 17pc Surgical Stainless Steel "Waterless" Cookware Set."

Feed into Google"This+is+the+highest+quality+5%2DPly+Steam+Control%99+17pc+Surgical+Stainless+Steel+"Waterless"+"

Shows 130 others with the same product and description - the exchange place being at number 130

I expect you will find the odd editor who does not think your site has unique content

So whoever gets there first is the one who survives in this world. You have a toothbrush, I have a toothbrush, so let them buy it from the schmuck.

Whatever happened to democracy, relevancy, and the fact that there are multiple engines with many of the same sites, repetitive sites in them which no one seems to mind. Lame excuse on your part buddy.

Gee, I wonder if any of these cookware sites offer a free gift with purchase? Well what kind of gift. Is there free shipping? Do they also offer a scripture or two for meditation? Or maybe, How many horoscope sites are there out on ODP which feeds Google? How many points of view are we allowed to have in this world? I know, I know, just yours.

Re: Shopping/Gifts/stores -site unlisted with no r

The site looks good, but I really think that original content is a standout issue for Shopping sites. just_browsing has generally pointed out that you are a reseller of products also resold elsewhere. We don't allow vstore-product sites either, if that makes you feel any better.


Mar 1, 2002
Re: Shopping/Gifts/stores -site unlisted with no r

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