Shopping/Sports/Airsoft Category


Feb 7, 2006
I work for a e-commerce company called Shorty USA Airsoft estabilsed in 1996. We retail Airsoft guns, accessories, supplies and other related items. We are the largest and oldest company of our type in the United States. The website went live in 2007 and shortly after changed it's name from 888 Airsoft to Shorty USA Airsoft. For many years we have been atempting to get our website listed in the DMOZ "Shopping/Sports/Airsoft" category with not sucess at. In total I believe we have made 5 attempts since 1998 to suggest our website. The category apear to be updated every several months or so and is not assigned to a editor. About 2 weeks ago I submitted a abuse complaint to see if I could get someone in power to take action. The report ticket showed a complated status several days later however I have yet to see of hear anything. For the past week or so I have been atempting to contact Meta Editors on the forum via PM to see if I could atleast get an update or response. Again with no luck. Is their anyone with the ability to provide assitance with the matter willing to provide this information? Any help at all would be greatly appriciated.

Thank you in advance!

Director of Technology
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