Should add or not, depending on a new editor or expert editor


Sep 15, 2004
Hi, this is not that the first time, but as the mods can search in this forum, i had build a website and submitted my site last year at where at that time there was no editor, and I submitted it for a site which was hosted on free servers
Now, i can see tht it is being edited by Category editor: greetingsgirl

My question is should I submit it now as I see on the parent category Kat from photocartoonist is too busy to list some of the sites.

Now, I have a site like one . I should mention (many) listed in the above category and think that I should/can be listed as well

I don't wanna get banned at the first attempt or something like that..

My domain is which can be listed..

Should I submit it I saw that later I won't be able to check the status..


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It is always a mistake to base any assumption on the list of editors "with privileges in" a category. Always.

It's nearly always a mistake to base any action on the status of submittals. If the site has been submitted, then there is almost never a need to submit again. If it hasn't been accepted in a year, it is not absolutely unreasonable to submit again ... once.

The logic for this is simple. The error rate (inappropriate site rejections) is, so far as I can tell from my experience, down in the 1% range. Submitting twice would put the error rate down in the .01% range, and it is absolutely not worth it to impose a 50-100% overhead on all our volunteer work, just to try to reduce the error rate further.

It should be emphasized that submittals are not the only, or even the most important, way of finding sites to list. Even if a submittal is lost, an important site may well be found through some other means and listed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I should have mentioned, the chances of a submittal being reviewed by an editor names as category editor, are also down in the 1% range. If we find category editors doing too much work in one category, we try to foist off more categories on them, and THEY become another "active editor not specifically named in the category."


Sep 15, 2004
I understand but I can see no profile information about the editor : greetingsgirl mentioned in the directory.

So will it be good for me to submit now, if she is regular, then i might submit it within a day or two .
and can anyone suggest here if the category i have chosen above is correct as I chose it looking at the sites listed on that category


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It would not be good.

It would be good to ignore the "listed editor" completely.

It would be good to look at the category charter and other sites instead.

If the other sites contain similar content, but the site contains actual content (the greeting cards) that are different from those on every other site, then you can suggest the site there.

If some other site contains the same greeting cards, then there's no unique content: do not suggest the site at all, because it should not be listed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.