Should I email the editor?

Jul 6, 2005

I was already in dmoz but requested to be moved to a different section, during that process, obviously I was first removed from where I was initially placed.

I understand that after doing this, it means that my site would be put into the "waiting list" to be added to the new category

my question is, would it be appropriate for me to email the category editor?

I know status checks arent allowed and I'm not asking for one...however is waiting the only thing I can do in my position?

Is there any way to know if my site is really on the waiting list or not?


Mar 25, 2002
Mailing the editor is not usually productive.

Really there is nothing you can do but wait.

In terms of knowing - one of two things happened: The editor reviewing the update moved it into the current category and there it waits ( for you: you can do nothing to help this process)

or the editor decided that the site is not listable and removed it completely (in which case you can do nothing, assuming the site is what you want it to be - now it isn't listable).

Based on your knowledge of your site, I'm sure you can decide which of those it could/should be. :)


Oct 2, 2002
Effectively deleting a site when being asked to be moved to a moderately better category is unacceptable in my opinion. Editors in this position should ask someone with permissions in both categories to move the site. Otherwise, good listable sites end up sitting in with the crud know as the unreviewed pile.

I have readded your site to the new category. If any other webmaster has requested a site be moved, and it hasn't shown up in its new category yet, please PM me or send me feedback. I will NOT answer, but I WILL look into it. If your site has suddenly changed from being an informational site about underwater basket weaving to a site selling adult toys, don't bother.


Jan 23, 2003
You are doing the right thing, but I sure hate rewarding this particular person who has gone way beyond legitimate disagreement and ventured into seriously obnoxious behavior.

But that is the nature of the project, we don't have to like the people we help, or even their websites -- and we certainly do not have to behave the way they would if they were editors.


Oct 13, 2005
Still hate Dmoz? I think you should delete that thread on the other board and thank ishtar for fixing this. Honestly this is all you had to do, starting that thread got you absolutely no where.
Jul 6, 2005
that thread is about 2-3 months old and my opinion on the topic has changed, I have removed my comments on the thread.. I was upset at the time just as much anybody else would have been, but I've reconsidered my opinion and I admit it was a bit childish, no need to be snide though birdie.. but I suppose I deserved it

in any case ishtar...thank you very much, I appreciate it

I really dont want to abuse your kindness, but perhaps I am horrible at searching dmoz, for the life of me I cant find where you re-added my site, could u possibly post a link or pm it to me? I would really appreciate it, and again; thanks alot
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