Should I finally re-submit my URL?


Nov 17, 2003
I read through the FAQ, and I didn't find a satisfactory answer to this question.

I submitted my online resume/personal homepage back in September/October, 2003. To date, it is still not listed in the ODP.

I seem to recall hearing something about resubmitting a URL after a certain amount of time. I understand you guys don't like repeat submissions, but after three years and no response whatsoever, without even knowing if the site was rejected or simply not looked at, should I finally resubmit it?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
In the past you have been told that your site was waiting review.
Two things might have happend
1) it is still waiting review -> no need to suggest it again
2) it was rejected -> no need to suggest it again

Most lickely is option 1.


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
Hi INCSpot

A single resuggestion will not be regarded as spam though I am afraid you will have to wait until the site is back up and fully functioning before resuggesting it.



Nov 17, 2003
pvgool said:
In the past you have been told that your site was waiting review.
Two things might have happend
1) it is still waiting review -> no need to suggest it again
2) it was rejected -> no need to suggest it again

Most lickely is option 1.

I suppose asking if there's any way to know which one would be a waste of time, just so I can stop with the uncertainty once and for all?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I suppose asking if there's any way to know which one would be a waste of time, just so I can stop with the uncertainty once and for all?

That would just shift the uncertainty to the editors' shoulders: "OK, he's been told he doesn't have any significant unique content, what'll he do next? Will he just resubmit -- that is, will he use our courtesy as a tool to be able to be maximally efficient at being discourteous to us right back? Will he start physically stalking the messenger--or an editor listed on the category, or some other random volunteer? Will he disguise that same content and resuggest under a different name? Will he go ball[mer]istic?"

Some of these things you might not do personally -- but of course, I have no way of knowing that. I do know, that given a random selection of a hundred rejections, chances are that all of those actions will be represented.

So, keep the uncertainty. It's not a practical problem for honest people, though. I always recommend treating your site as if it will never be listed in the ODP. If you're right, you've done the right thing. If you're wrong, you'll be pleasantly surpised and you won't have wasted any time.
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