Should I resubmit?


Jul 23, 2007
I suggested my website to DMOZ back in February of 2007. It is a shopping site and I believe that I did not submit it correctly (ie. to the correct category and incorrect description). I've been reading some of the suggestions from the editors and it sounds like they don't like sites to be submitted more than once. Will the editors put my website into the correct category and with the correct description? Or should I submit again to the correct category and with the correct description?

I don't want the "Scarlet Letter" against my website for trying to do the right thing. Thanks in advance for your input in this area.


Jan 23, 2003
If you missed by a category to two, the editor will routinely move to the correct category.

If you grossly mis-submitted, i.e.: you just dumped it at the topmost category because you are too busy/important to drill down to the best category, it may or may not get lost when we move it, so do what you think is best.

We rewrite about 99.99999999% of all descriptions, so that is not a worry.

Bottom line: two suggestions do not a spammer make.
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