Should I submit my clients sites?

David E

Nov 19, 2006
Since I started in the SEO business (4 months ago) I have submited every one of my clients sites, I haven't got any listed as yet. I have read the FAQ and I still have a few questions, should I submit my clients sites at all? When I have been submiting my clients sites I have been using their email address to make it look like I have been doing it themselves as I thought this would give them more chance of getting listed is this right? Is this the best way? If I submit my clients sites under my company email address will the entry just get dismissed because I am in the SEO industry?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Everybody is allowed to suggest sites. Not only their own site but also sites of their clients and also sites they are totaly not related to.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I would recommend, though, since you will (hopefully) be a repeat source of site suggestions, that you remember your reputation.

I don't know what kind of clients you have (and the principle applies no matter what kind they are). But sometimes you may need to tell a client, "without a site you don't have a real business, and so from the OD perspective, you can't have a site ABOUT your business" or "the OD has no control over how many sites you create for the various product lines in your business, but they will only list one site about your business. Let's make sure it's obvious (to surfers) which site is the main home page for the business as a whole."

Some clients may not like that -- but better to run the risk of telling someone the truth, than to run the risk of having a reputation for telling the ODP sites are listable, when they aren't.

So ... know the ODP EDITORS' guidelines -- they are public. And (please) suggest all the listable sites that you know about -- whether they are your clients or not, your help to the ODP is (eventually) appreciated.

Oh, ... make sure you don't make any promises about times or schedules of ODP listings to the clients. Even we can't make such promises. And again, it's a matter of getting a reputation for telling the truth.


Nov 20, 2006
So how can people on Gaf tell buyers they can promise them a listing in hours on here when I too have submitted over 6 months and only seen couple of the sites I listed get on. Not sure what these providers are doing but people are pay big money to get their sites listed and on here. What the real deal with that and how can this be done???? :icon_ques


Apr 5, 2004
People are often less than truthful when promoting their products or services. It's called advertising. ;)

Seriously, though, claims of bribes and "special treatment" are always floating around, but the ODP is a free service, and offering any sort of payment is not only unnecessary but very likely to get the site(s) permanently barred from being listed. Similarly, any editor found to have accepted payment instantly loses his account. It's simply not worth the risk for either side.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Most probably they are not telling the truth.
Or they might be misusing the system.
If this is true we would like to know as much as possible to stop this misuse.


Nov 20, 2006
Debt Free Playbook

go check out gaf I have a few clients that want their site submit to here. I have posted on my site that dmoz is down and once it is up and running will submit.

But people are paying money to providers that are saying they can get their site on in one day listed and be able to be view by the public.

I like to do that but unfortunate I do not do any black hat and then my clients are penalized due the fact some people are editors here and making big money I guess putting sites on when the waiting list to get on is months.

I do have clients that do pay for directory submission but not just for dmoz but for over 500 sites that I submit to all manual. But I tell them I guarantee nothing due the fact I can submit but I do not have control what a site puts on their site or what they do with the links.

I have a site I really like to get on before the hoilday due the fact we are doing a charity and would like to get it on but not going to pay or cheat to get it on....


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
I have no idea what Gaf is (but I'm sure some people here do, so no need to post a link ;) ) but it is a truth universally acknowledged that the Internet is full of people who will tell things that may not be strictly the truth.

If you know of an editor who has taken a bribe, or a site that has bribed its way into the directory, please please tell us. (Don't tell us in this forum though, submit an abuse report. The abuse report form is at but it will not work until the server troubles are fixed. More information about abuse reporting here.) Vague rumours are not proof, sorry; there is an abundance of those and there is no point in listening to them. I am aware that there are providers who say they can get a site listed very quickly although all they do is suggest it for review; others are more honest and say that they suggest the site, but their clients misunderstand them and think they have been promised something more.

Oh, and if anybody says they can list a site and have it immediately visible in a day, you can be certain they are not an editor. Editors know that it takes at least a few days from the listing of a site until it is visible in the public directory. So if anybody claims differently, you know they are lying :D


Nov 20, 2006

I have been suggesting my clients websites to DMOZ for years and there is one vital thing to remember if you are going to do this...

Communicate with your clients and explain to them that you intend to suggest their site to DMOZ. Give them the choice of doing it themself and explain to them how important it is to follow the DMOZ guidelines if they do so.

By all means offer to suggest their site for them, but of you take this route, make sure they do not also submit the site themself as this could cause multiple DMOZ submissions and slow the process down.


Nov 20, 2006
Thanks everyone for their comment. I do tell my clients that I do not guaranteed any thing after I submit not only here but on any directory. The directory has control who and what they want on a site. So just because we submit does not guarante an placement.

Thanks again.
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