Should I submit site again?


Jun 5, 2004
Hi there. Im really sorry to bother you but I could I have some advice please. I am a complete novice to all this and I got to this site through a link from another site. It took me straight to the submit url page so I completed all the details etc. After doing this I realised that my page wasn't entirely complete and uploaded all my new files to the site. I then realised that my site had been visited by a dmoz editor and it hasnt been listed. I know that it usually takes a while to be listed and I should wait at least a month, which I will do but I would just like to know should I just wait the month and enquire or should I re-submit the site with the new information.

Apologies again for being a complete idiot!

Bronagh :)


I suggest going to the appropriate "Submission Status" forum and posting a properly formatted status request to find out if your site is still awaiting review. If it is, you need do nothing as far as ODP is concerned; an editor will review it eventually. If it is not, make sure your site is complete before submitting again. You might also include in the description a note that the content has changed significantly since the last submission.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.