Should there be a confirmation page after submiting?

Oct 16, 2007
I have writen my title and description and read the guide lines.
At the bottom of the form I repeated the code and clicked the submit button.
The next page tells me about the code and how it must match.
This does not appear to be an error message, nor does it confirm the form was received properly. I have repeated this twice and hope that I am not resending each time.
How do I know if my form is in?


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
When you are suggesting a URL you should complete the form and at the bottom enter the "CAPTCHA" word exactly. If you do not match the "CAPTCHA" word you receive a page explaining that it must match and you have to use your browser "back" to the form and refresh to get a new word and try again. Once you get the correct "CAPTCHA" (there are known issues with the clarity of the image, you may have to repeat the refresh a couple of times to be able to read the image) you are taken to a confirmation screen that will read:

Submission Received

Your site submission has been received.

An editor will review your submission for inclusion in the directory.​

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If you don't get the confirmation page your suggestion did not go through.
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