Should we submit to category with no editors?


Jul 16, 2007
After submitting a site when I was fairly 'green' to the whole directory thing, I was surprised at not seeing its inclusion some months later. So I did some research and reading and thought perhaps I should resubmit as the directory had some issues with a crash.

I was not surprised the next time round that the site was not included after learning that inclusion depended on the volunteer editors workload. However on investigation I see the category I submitted to had no editor.. and so read on, I discovered other editors will, time permitting, help with backlogs.. But, after the best part of a year I see that the category which is commercial has not had an entry update at all.. which makes me wonder if the workload is so high noone is able to get to review the backlog at all..

Is it a bad idea to submit again in a category which has an editor (it would conform to guidelines as the site spans a couple of closely related categories) and does my triple submission in a year constitute spamming? I realise the importance of not wasting peoples time, but if noone is there...
Any advice, I have made sure submission guidelines are followed and are convinced the site offers unique and valuable content for inclusion.
Which raises my interest in volunteering in general but that is another matter..


Nov 7, 2006
After submitting a site when I was fairly 'green' to the whole directory thing, I was surprised at not seeing its inclusion some months later. So I did some research and reading and thought perhaps I should resubmit as the directory had some issues with a crash.

Some areas of the Directory could have 10,000 site suggestions, so, it shouldn't surprise you that 200-300 possible editors might not get to reviewing many of them as quickly as you might want them to. :)

One or two resuggestions wouldn't label you as a spammer. It wouldn't hurt to resubmit it once more.

I was not surprised the next time round that the site was not included after learning that inclusion depended on the volunteer editors workload. However on investigation I see the category I submitted to had no editor.. and so read on, I discovered other editors will, time permitting, help with backlogs.. But, after the best part of a year I see that the category which is commercial has not had an entry update at all.. which makes me wonder if the workload is so high noone is able to get to review the backlog at all..

It also depends on whether any editor has an interest in a particular topic, and wants to edit there. We're a voluntary community, so we do what interests us.

I edit at the US level in Regional, so I have permission to edit every single locality, county, region, metro and state within the US and every single category, which is probably in the tens of thousands, if not the hundreds of thousands.. Other editors may edit in just one small category, so there's a wide assortment of permission levels.

An editor has to start small until they learn the ropes, and then request these wider permissions, which aren't automatically granted, you have to earn the privelege and trust by demonstrating good editing knowledge and practices.

A category can have no named resident editor in it, but there are editors named in higher categories that edit everything beneath them, sort of like a pyramid. And, there are editors with even wider permissions that cruise the whole Directory, and can swoop in like hawks to work in any category they spot needing some attention.


Nov 7, 2006
I hope you'll be joining us, coneglan, you sound like a thoughtful person. :D


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Is it a bad idea to submit again in a category which has an editor (it would conform to guidelines as the site spans a couple of closely related categories)
Yes, it is. The suggestion page asks you to pick the one best category for your site. Picking a different category just because there's an editor there is likely only going to extend the amount of time it will take for someone to review the site as it will have to be moved to the right place.
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