Similar Product Content on Different Websites

Feb 14, 2008
Dear DMOZ Editor:

We have several websites that are unique but have some similar content on some of the product pages. We have an internal cleansing website, a wholefood nutritionals site, a weight loss & diet website and probiotics website. We have submitted these sites to DMOZ on numerous occasions over the past 7 years and have not had any of our websites listed. We are ranked in the top 600,000 websites in Alexa but have still not been able to have any of our websites listed in DMOZ.

Is it because we have submitted multiple websites that are different, but have similar product pages and information on these pages?

If we are blocked, is there a way to get unblocked and just have our most popular site listed? Our websites have unique content and format and products on each of them. It is just there is some common products and text between our websites. We have made a serious effort to change the similar text on our most popular web site.

Please Advise how we can get even one of our websites listed or get unblocked if we are. I don't want to list the websites here on the message board, but I would be happy to discuss this in a private e-mail with one of the expert editors.

Thank you for your assistance.



Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
You have to work pretty hard to be labeled a spammer. To my knowledge if you have successfully labeled your self as such, its unlikely you will be able to get the site listed. Chances are though unless you did try really hard, it is more likely you are just your own worst enemy. Each time you re-suggest the same or related URL's you are working to slow down the review time at best and at worst working towards that spammer label. I would suggest strongly, to discontinue that strategy. Its not going to help in any way.

Regarding the sites, we don't discuss specific URL's here. However, I would say from your description of the situation that I can make some general comments. The descriptions you gave for the sites and the situation sound to me like sites providing information on different issues related to the same topic. Just from the descriptions it seems they all pertain to some aspects of Nutritional Health. That is an area that I am not an expert, but based on just the general descriptions I would guess that only one site would be considered for inclusion.

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