Similiar content in 10 languages

I provide a charter-database in (now) 10 languages, which starts in every language the same, and gets the content in the local language.
The primary-site ( has a Java-Script
which detects the language of the user, and leads to the language-fitting start-page, for example if you are german, you are leaded to, if you are french, you get and italian gets

That might cause editor-problems, because I don´t get a registration, and I tried it in the fitting categories.

I tried to register via , but also with the regional Domainname. But I get no registrations.

Surprisingly, there is a "subpage" called registered in World: Deutsch: Sport: Wassersport: Segeln , which you find, when you search for (relevant terms CHARTER TÜRKEI)

The mainpage of this offer ( ) and the following index-page with databased-catalogue AND a lot of high-interesting content for charterers and sailors in Turkey is NOT registered, neither the mainpage, nor the pages in the directories .
You find them, when you click on REVIER and then TÖRNTIPS aso.
I tried to register these pages one by one, each for itself, but they cannot be found (especially I wonder about the information-pages about Greece, the Travel-reports (Törntips) .

Another page I provide, apart from the named agency-pages for the regional waters, is
Here I offer information about berth-charters and sailing... no listing... but why? It contains a lot of information for visitors (but the above named page
is shown (ok, it´s as well relevant, but the primary page is better, contains more information...

What can I do for a correct registration and listing in the relevant category?

For a list of ALL sailing pages, shown with description of it´s country-target and client´s relevant short-information refer to Gateway page
, please

I don´t want to "spam", but I want to be represented with our informative content ... ;-)

Thank you

I submitted the site(s)

[edited to remove unnecessary line breaks at the end [ - apeuro]


Mar 26, 2002
I just took a quick look at and I see what I believe to be links to all of your sites/languages on the homepage. Currently Recreation/Boating/ is under reorganization (including Recreation/Boating/Charters/). I don't believe your site will get 17 listings IMHO if that's what you're asking. I did not review your site or check the links for affiliations (if any) . I would be very patient in this case.

{edited: 10 sites to 17 sites)
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