Simultaneous Application & Required Subcategories


Jan 21, 2004
Hello Editors,

I need some advice.
I am about to present my editor application at the World\Español section.

This post is an English version of a previous , numbered #62517 , posted in Spanish at World\Español under the name Aplicación a Editor & Subcategorías requeridas .
I considered appropiate to post it here as well, due to the subject involved and looking forward to a wider spectrum of replies.

Scope of the question. A scenario...
When applying for Editor at ODP , the form supplied, offers us 3 sets of fields destinated for 3 URLs especifications.

Most probable, in many cases, the applicant holds more than 3 prospects sites for the category in which he is interested. Let us assume ,in this example, that the prospect editor has 10 URL's that apparently conforms the ODP guidelines requirements. To complete the picture, lets consider that the category affected is at present populated with only 2 URL's.

As said in ( Guidelines ) , it is not a good advice, to open a sub-category ,with less than 20 URL's . I agree with that as a general rule. But assume , that after a quick view of the set of 10 URL´s, it becomes notorious the existence of 2 quite different sets of URLs.

Ok. Here is my question
From the following options, which one of them should you advise the applicant to proceed.

(A) To include only three URLs from the 10 URL's he is holding, and later, once he has become an editor , to take care of the rest of the URLs and the subcategory issue with the regular procedures.

(B) To take advantage of one of the multiline fields of the application form, including in one of them , the extra nine URL´s and a comment refered to the intention of grouping them in two sets which will demand their respectives sub-categories.

(C) Any other procedure that you could suggest (for instance: Sending an e-mail to a particular staff member of ODP including the extra URL's and commenting why in the applicant criteria should be convenient to open a sub-category...etc

Many tks in advance for your attention to this query :smirk:



Mar 25, 2002
Personally I would find the 3 best examples URLs for the category that I am applying for. We're looking to see that you can come up with URLs that are appropriate for a category, and that you can write titles and descriptions for those URLs. Quality, not quantity :) You'll be able to add the other URLs if you are granted the category. Actually, you'll be expected to add URLs to the category - that's a big part of the job.


Jan 21, 2004
Ok. That is a straight forward advice. I take it . :smirk:

( the way. One of my favorites is Isaac Asimov)

Best regards Don, and tks for your reply.


There is an additional point, which I don't recall being covered well in the guidelines. (Well, I couldn't find it in the guidelines. I had to ask.) If applying to a small category which has subcategories (remembering the total number of sites in all the subcategories, but not including the @Links, has to be small), you can provide URLs and good descriptions, followed by the subcategory in brackets [].


Jan 21, 2004
Hy Arthur,
Many tks for your interest.
I have already applied for editor, and become one as well.(World:Español: Deportes: Patinaje: Argentina )
Anyway, very interesting your comment. I will try to find out about your suggestion. It could be very usefull in the future for a new editor prospect.
Tks again for taking care of my query. :)
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