Since January site not appearing in Open Directory

Our client, Wilson Jones, has a new website, It is a legitimate business website. They make and sell office supplies. We submitted the site on 1/14 and 3/13. On 4/9 I re-submitted (to a different category). Then 5/28 I submitted again to shopping: office products: supplies. On 6/3 they're still I resubmitted to Business: Industries: Manufacturing: Consumer Products: Office Supplies.

As far as I can see it has not been reviewed in any of the categories you submitted to, although one copy was deleted because it was in the queue elsewhere (please submit to the ONE best category).

As you have an office location you may also apply for a listing in the Regional tree at (applying for a listing here will not prejudice your current submission - it's the exception that proves the rule)

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Sorry, but you are just going to have to wait.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.