Site added to Different Category


Feb 28, 2007
I was once an editor for the ODP so I understanding the editing process (to view my handiwork, which is still the way I left it: Top: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Neurological Disorders: Movement Disorders: Torticollis)

Now, I added a website and knew enough to research which category it should fall under, wrote a brief desc. that was unbiased no frills- just what any editor would have liked.

Well, I got added to this cat:
Top: Shopping: Holidays: Christmas: Decorations: Ornaments: Handmade

Even though that is not what my site is about. I had asked to be added to:
Top: Shopping: Crafts: Supplies: Kits

All of my "competition" is under the cat I suggested-- none of them are where I ended up.

My site sells 2 handmade ornaments, a bunch beaded ornament of kits (original designs), and craft supplies for making ornaments.

Does this seem like the logical place to put the site. If something has changed at ODP since I was last an editor, please let me know. I'm not even complaining about the site description... wow- very bad. Not at all the quality I would expect from an editor here. They obviously did not actually go to my site, or if they did they did not look around and see what my site is all about. Kinda like what I submitted was totally ignored and then this junk got put up.

Since the ODP desc of my site is already appearing in Yahoo and Google, you can see why I am a bit upset. I worked very hard to go frm 715 to number 10 in the search engines and knew I also wanted to be in this directory... but if what I get is the wrong cat and a horrible description then I would rather not have my site listed. It is hurting and not helping me.

Both cats mentioned above have no editor, and believe me I do understand that someone else had to fill in (which is why I tried very hard to look at my entry as an editor, and not as the website owner). Any thoughts suggestions, tips, etc. Would be greatly appreciated.



Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
If you think that there is a problem with a listing (whether or not it's your site) you can use the "Update URL" link to suggest changes.

However, note that it is only a suggestion for the reviewing editor. If your site has been moved from where it was originally suggested, this would suggest a positive action by an editor, so I'd at least consider the possibility that it is now in the correct category. Perhaps your "competition" are the ones in the wrong place? Perhaps their products/services aren't as similar to yours as you think.

As for descriptions, have you refreshed your memory with regard to the editor guidelines at ? They should help you understand what is and isn't appropriate...


Feb 28, 2007
chaos127 said:
If you think that there is a problem with a listing (whether or not it's your site) you can use the "Update URL" link to suggest changes.

However, note that it is only a suggestion for the reviewing editor. If your site has been moved from where it was originally suggested, this would suggest a positive action by an editor, so I'd at least consider the possibility that it is now in the correct category. Perhaps your "competition" are the ones in the wrong place? Perhaps their products/services aren't as similar to yours as you think.

As for descriptions, have you refreshed your memory with regard to the editor guidelines at ? They should help you understand what is and isn't appropriate...

Thanks for the comments but I do not sell handmade ornaments, I sell kits. So yes, I am in the wrong cat.
I will do as you suggest and request an update.
There are only 5 of us that sell beaded ornament kits. And the other 4 are under the "kits" section...except I am under "handmade".
Anyway, guess someone not familar with the art of making ornaments could make the mistake.
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