Site already submitted but not edited


Mar 26, 2002
If it were me I would not list that site rather I would list your main site in the appropriate category. The type of listing you are looking for is a deeplink and while appropriate in some cases it does not look like it is here - imho. The reason is that the deeplink provides very little information to the category that it is submitted to. Though it will be up to the editor of that category whether or not they list the site I just wanted to let you know that there is a possibility it might not get listed due to the slim content provided.

The reason the site was submitted in that particular category was that it catered to different markets and the product is different for each market. But thanks anyway I will wait and see what happens.

The site still has not been listed. Should I submit the site again? How long will I have to wait for my site to be submitted?

Please do not submit again.
The site is still waiting to be reviewed. An editor will get to it, but as all editors are volunteers there is no way we can provide a timeframe. Just be assured that the site IS waiting to be reviewed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.