Site Category not changed?


New Member
Jun 22, 2010
Hi all....

It's been more than 8 weeks since I submitted my site <URL removed> for category change but still no change has been done...Currently it is in category-->Regional: Asia: India: Gujarat: Business and Economy but I have requested category change to Business: Financial Services: Investment Services....I have also submitted my other site <URL removed> for inclusion in the same category but still listing has not been approved.....Is there any specific reason or time duration for not changing category or not approving the site listing?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
A move from a Regional to a topical category is very uncommon to happen.
Some sites are listeble in both but only if they have Regional relevance and are also of Global relevance.
It is for an editor to decide if your request will be accepted.

Listing of two (or more) related websites is not something we do. Related = same owner and same (or related) subject.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Hello Jiten,

Discussion of specific sites is not allowed in this forum, so I have removed the URLs. Some general information that may be relevant is
* There is no time frame for reviewing site suggestions or update requests; update requests are usually dealt with fairly rapidly, but just as with site suggestions it is impossible to say when it will happen, or who will do it.
* A site might be eligible for listing both in a category under Regional/ and (for instance) Business/ so it is possible that your update request was moved to the Business/ category for review there.
* Related sites are not listed. If your second site is related to your first site, it's unlikely that the second site will be included in the directory - but that is up to the reviewing editor.
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