Site Description Language Question?


Dec 4, 2009
Hi Just had a queery about the description when submiting a site.

I'm new to webdesign and DMOZ but added my site on Friday night got it in the right catogary etc

My site is for age specific dating and I said 'UK dating site built exclusively for younger men and older women to meet and date'

I just had a niggling thing about the description - it seems the editors can be quite specific about which sites they let on - the guidance says Avoid using promotional language and strings of key words and search terms. Words and phrases like "cool" and "best darn site" will be removed. it also says Keep the description of your site brief - no longer than 25-30 words. A well-written, objective description will make listing your site easier.

My question is about the description I used - I used the world 'exclusively' because its exclusive for for these age ranges. But I know words can have different meanings to different people - is there a danger that it could sound partly promotional as sometimes words can mean different things to different people, like I'm thinking now I could have put 'specifically' instead of 'exclusively'

I guess I'd like to know will my description be ok? I don't suppose its possible to change it / update it just to be on the safe side? Or if they thought it was wrong would they just change the word themselves / replace it or just reject the submission out of hand - is it much of an issue? I know its only a small thing but thought some of the editors on here may be able to tell me if I'm worrying over nothing,



Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
Suggested descriptions are usually re-written to guidelines by reviewing editors, so I would not worry, this is not a problem.


Dec 4, 2009
Hi Molly

Thanks for replying and giving me the low-down - from the sounds of things its cool to leave it with them if there is not an inherant issue with the description I put forward.. Interesting to understand how it all works in any case.

Out of interest as part of the review process when they look at the site in terms of giving it a clean bill of health are there any simple issues I need to look out for / take care of in terms of making sure I haven't got something associated to my site that may cause me to not be accepted?

Thing is I'm new to webdesign and have a guy who develops my site for me, I heard one thing would be some broken links for example. If I know a list of potential problem areas I can get my webdesigner to sort now rather then wait and miss out on getting accepted

Hope you can help :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We're just surfers. Look at the site from the standpoint of a stranger (or get a friend who isn't familiar with your business to look at it.) Ask: what kind of information is on this site? Is the information unique--not present anywhere else on the web? Is it authoritative--what human authority does it come from?

That's what we need to know. The quicker we can answer those questions, the quicker the site gets listed, and the less likely the suggestion is to be deferred because ... well, there may be something here but it is too much of a pain to find right now.

Also, make sure you test the website with standard browsers -- Firefox and/or Opera -- as well as with the most common bugsets-du-jour of the Microsoft Infernal Exploder. My impression is that most active, knowledgeable surfers DON'T use the IE, but there are still many naive surfers (and there are many surfers who use systems maintained by really really stupid sysops--including some companies and libraries I could name...) So don't count on a surfer using (or not using) a real web browser.

And make sure that there are no technical barriers--plugins or cookies or registration--until necessary, and document up-front what technical barriers remain (in your opinion) necessary. (Be aware--the reviewer's opinion may differ, and a site review may be deferred indefinitely if its promised value doesn't overshadow the pain of technical barriers.)
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