Site = domain?



When is something counted as a different site? Is it simply by domain or by content? For instance, I have 'sites' on several rather different subjects but they all are under one domain. They all are linked from my domain's main page which is not listed in ODP. However, I have five listings to other parts of my domain.

Also, while in some cases it is quite clear that the content is very different in some other cases it may not be since the 'sites' are interlinked with each other.

Also, I am hoping to receive more listings in the future since I am working with different language versions.

I am not asking this question about my site in particular but about the notion of 'site' in general. What does 'site' mean in ODP?

We're after content. Sometimes it makes more sense to list the main page which links to the other stuff, and sometimes it's best (from an editor's POV) to point right to a page with lots of content appropriate for the category in question. The organization of your site will make some difference in how the content is treated.


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Some webmasters choose to split their sites across multiple domains/subdomains, in which case, only the main URL would get listed.

For example, I could sell widgets, and have my main page at , the section selling blue widgets at and the section section selling red widgets at . But because they're all part of the same site, only would get listed in the ODP.
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