Site fits too many categories...guidance please

May 26, 2004
My website has been submitted twice over the last 6 months and has not been listed. I assume that it is not going to be listed in its current submission (almost three months ago) and have forgotten exactly which category I submitted it to becuase I feel it fits into quite a few of the lowest level (deepest) categories available. Could someone please look at my site and help me determine what the best category is so I can resubmit and hopefully get listed soon? Thank you for your help. Sorry I can't remember where I put it to begin with, but I thought it was shopping>bath and body but after following that path today that doesn't seem right.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
OK, let's skip the "have you stopped beating your wife" questions (which, if you think about it a moment, you'll realize are deeply offensive to the people that you are talking to) and start by de-assuming some things.

(1) I assume that it is not going to be listed in its current submission
Don't assume. Go ask in the "submittal status" forum.
(2) And you apparently assume that the editor will delete it rather than finding a more appropriate category. We call that "abuse", and again, assuming the worst is not the way to go.
(3) OK, you lost your first submittal and can't ask the right way in these forums. So -- you assume that asking the wrong way is all right if you can't even ask the right question. No. Think back to what your mother told you before you started kindergarten. "If everyone acted like that, what would happen?" 3000 requests a day for pre-reviews, and these forums would be worthless. We cannot let that happen.

We have a system for submitting sites. Go to, find the best category, and submit. So go. And submit.

And suppose you submit to the wrong category? An editor can find the right category when it's reviewed.

Suppose that submittal gets inadvertently deleted? (It could happen, although it's very rare.) Wait the stipulated time, and ask about the submittal in the prescribed fashion.
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