Site forgotten?

Hi, I had submitted a change of url back in July and thought it had been taken care of. The url should of been changed from to I have noticed if you navigate to Top: Shopping: Consumer Electronics: Communications: Wireless: Cellular Phones: Accessories: W and click on The Wireless Boys you go to the new website, however if you do a search for "The Wireless Boys" you will see it shows the old URL underneath our name as well as when you click on the hyperlink it takes you to the old URL. When I do the search I also notice on the bottom of the page it states

"Search database last updated on: Wed Aug 14 17:43:29 PDT 2002 "

Apparently our site URL has been forgotten about? If the update was done, our site has never been updated in the search database??? Can someone please let me know what is going on with this?? Thanks!


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
There has been a hiccup with the search - as I understand, it's still using a database from a few weeks ago despite the change of date. Sorry for the inconvinience.

Thank you for the quick reply and also the information. I guess I will just have to wait it out. I thought perhaps it was overlooked.

Thanks again

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