Site gone from listings,we've resubmitted, why did this happen?


Apr 10, 2004
Our site had been listed in DMOZ:Business:Education and Training:Teambuilding for quite a while. Other than routine site improvements, nothing has changed. Recently the site disappeared from the listings. We have just resubmitted and would like to know why this happened and if there is anything we should be doing that we're not? Thanks for your help.


That URL does not appear to have ever been listed in the directory at all and, if ever submitted, has never been touched by an editor.

I even checked that category on some of our downstream users (which are several weeks behind) and I don't see it there either. Are you certain that it was actually listed in the category? Perhaps under a different URL?

Since you have submitted the site there is nothing further you need do.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'll add that that category has existed for less than a year, and its log shows that site has _never_ been listed there. I'd believe that one log was out of whack, but two?

So color me puzzled. We get a lot of questions like this. To my knowledge, after the answer, nobody has come back and explained how they came to make such an assumption clearly incorrect by our records. Do people see the site in Google and assume that means it's in the ODP? Was the site present under another domain name?

Sometimes, I know, people try to pull a fast one by lying about the circumstances of their site -- but in such a case you wouldn't ask what happened: either we'd know what happened and know you were lying, or we didn't know what happened and the question would therefore be pretty pointless. So I discount that possibility here.

But anyway, if you figure out, I'd like to know. It might help us know how to direct the next person with the same kind of question.
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