Site I submitted was flaged - What does this mean?



I have 2 sites - each dealing in similar fields - web design. One site is web design and hosting the other being strictly web design. One site has different designers and charge much differently respectively.

The site I submitted was, which was denied by the editor due to my other site already being listed in the same category. After pressing the issue with the editor as to why the site was not listed she emailed me and told me that she had red flagged the site.

Ok, so what does this mean? Can I resubmit or is it black listed now? Seems that a company should be able to have different divisions in the same category - I look at it this way Since Toyota makes Lexus does ODP prevent Toyota from listing both Lexus and Toyota in the same category?



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Site I submitted was flaged - What does this m

So, let's get this straight. You would like to get Designer A's site listed, Designer B's site listed, and then you would also like to get their combined site C listed? You can't have it all. You can have the two individual sites listed or you can have the communal one listed. Your choice.


Re: Site I submitted was flaged - What does this m

Ok where did you get Site C? I said I have 2(two)sites - I only want each individual site(only being 2 sites)listed in the same category.

Like I said, I was told that I could not do this because I own both domain names - I dont see why not - I will go back to the Toyota and Lexus example - both cars but different customers!

To recap - we are only talking about 2 sites that deal with web design but different customers - one customer base being budget A and the other being budget B



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Site I submitted was flaged - What does this m

I was trying to avoid naming names but OK. We're talking about 3 sites here -- (run by 2 designers), (run by one of the 2 designers), and (run by the other of the 2 designers). Three. The two individual designer sites are currently listed The combined one won't be. Your customer base and/or the reasons why you've chosen to do business the way you do are really not our concern.


Re: Site I submitted was flaged - What does this m

Timbowendesign has no connection to or

How do you connect them? Granted Tim does work for me as a contractor and may have used his email rather than his email with me when submitting So now I am penalized?

This needs to move on above editors - Forgive me but the editors with ODP come across as smug and almighty.

If I cant have listed in ODP so be it - its not the end of the world - but because an editor cant seem to see past his or his nose I am not going to get anywhere in this forum.

So who is next in the ODP chain of command?


Mar 25, 2002
Re: Site I submitted was flaged - What does this m

I think that the mistake that you are making here (which is a common mistake) is to assume that you have some kind of right to be added into the directory. Sorry, but you don't. Take a look at section #2 of the Social Contract
"We will make every effort to build a high quality and comprehensive directory. We will make every effort to evaluate all sites submitted to the directory. However, we do not guarantee all submitted sites will get listed. We will be highly selective and judicious about sites we add, and how we organize them. Sites that we do not routinely list are outlined in our submission policies and editorial guidelines."

Also the analogy about Toyota and Lexus might not have been the best example to use. Take a look at Recreation/Autos/Makes_and_Models/. As you can see, those two car makes are not listed in the same category <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />



Thank you for your comments - so your telling me that I cant have 3 sites listed - which one isn ot even mine - but that I need to pick which two I want - I wanted and in the same category - just tell me if that is possible.

I really do not need to banter with the moderators/editors all day and night.

My heartburn is that the editor has lumped timbowendesign in with me and thats not FAIR!

Really If you said no I cant list I can live with it - the PR value for a link in DMOZ is not going to make or break the site as much as some would think.

I do not feel I have a "right" to be in DMOZ, however, I should not be refused because the editor cant get domain ownerships straight.


Mar 25, 2002
Mentioning PR levels in this forum won't help your case. Makes me cringe whenever someone types that <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

But on to the question at hand. Basically is not going to get a listing. Without even throwing Tim's site into the mix, I just can't see why we would list the same company twice in the directory. If you want to split your services into two different web sites, that's your business (though I don't understand why), but it doesn't mean that we have to list both of them.

At the moment is listed in the Tucson category (as is Tim's site). If you wanted to change that to then I would be deleting That probably wouldn't serve your purposes though, so you should probably leave it status quo.
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