Site is listed but



I am very new to this internet business so pardon my ignorance- :confused: -any how I am currently listed in DMOZ, but for some reason I am still not ranking high in GOOGLE. :( :confused:

My domain name is listed in Google but it doesn’t have me categorize as the other sites. For an example when I type in key word “gift baskets” the top site that are shown are listed in DMOZ and display their categories listed in DMOZ. But when I type in my domain name it doesn’t show my category although I am listed in DMOZ

If you would please help me to figure this out I would really appreciate. :smirk:Thanks


Thanks...Lots of information there. :eek: I will check there. Thanks so Much! :monacle:


Mar 26, 2002
Dmoz.or makes the directory data available for anyone to download and use as long as they follow our license agreement (become an editor, add a site, etc). If you see a site listed in a category in the directory but not on a data user's directory (ie Google Directory) that means that the user has not updated to the latest version of the data. just offers the data. It is up to the data users to get the data and make there directories and searches current. You can get more information on when data users update to the latest data by posting on the other search engine forums that specialize in answering those types of questions.
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