Site listed in Directory but comes up not found



I have registered my site, with ODP in the directory Regional/North_America/United_States/Illinois/Localities/A/Addison/Business_and_Economy. When I go to this directory I can see that my site is listed there along with several other businesses. However, when I search for my site in that directory I get back
Search: VIP Lawn Signs
Restricting Search to Category: Regional/North_America/United_States/Illinois/Localities/A/Addison/Business_and_Economy
No Open Directory Project results found. Needless to say, my site does not come up when I search the entire directory either. I have been trying since May,03 to get my site listed. Would appreciate any help you could provide. Thank you


Sep 11, 2003
As you say your site does appear in the listings. Your site should show up in the ODP search results after the search database is next updated.



doesn't anybody here feel a sense of urgency, a sense of great loss, a sense to want to do something about this? This used to be a great directory.. what's happened?

Someone needs to take the reigns and either find some organization that will put some time and money into this thing, or start actively recruiting editors who are committed to making this thing work... or both.

DMOZ is placed on hundreds, if not thousands of sites... but it's starting to be a bad joke. The potential for dmoz is phenominal.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Please reread the ODP policy: The whole ODP is run by volunteers. Since we volunteer, we don't want to be forced to do anything. Not by getting money, not by rules, not by a company making money with sites added to the ODP.

believe it or not: The length of the unreviewed queues and the time submitters wait for us to process submission is nothing that concerns us. We are concerned in adding good quality sites to our directory, which in most cases is achieved by surfing the web and looking for siters manually. Most of the submissions are spam anyway, processing submissions becomes less interesting from day to day since spammers semm to insist that spamming the ODP is great fun.


Apr 15, 2003
Re: Site listed in Directory but comes up not foun

The people who have the sense of urgency, seems to be the SEO people who post here, instead of being so urgent to post the same questions every month, take time out to see that someone asked the same questions last month, and got the same answers.

For example, lets have people pay then we'll get more editors and get more submissions done. Wrong, most of the current editors would quit, then DMOZ would no longer be the service that it is, it would just be starting from scratch trying to be a clone of Zeal and all the others.

The people who have the sense of urgency to submit their site, that they type so fast, they can't spell their company name correctly.

The people who have the sense of urgency to ask here about their site two weeks after they submitted it, and didn't bother to read the guidelines.


Curlie Meta
Mar 26, 2002
Re: Site listed in Directory but comes up not foun

We add thousands of new sites daily. The problem is not a sense of urgency, but priorities. Site submitters believe our priority should be their submissions (understandable), but it's not. We add those thousands of sites from a variety of sources, not just our unreviewed queues, As long as categories are being built and unique, quality content is added to them, as long as category overlaps are being sorted out and the classification system--our ontology--is daily becoming easier to navigate, as long as these things continue to happen we will not be concerned about any one site among millions we haven't reviewed yet.

Anyone who believes their site is so great that the ODP will never be complete without a link to it is usually going to be disappointed by the reality.



Aug 22, 2003
Re: Site listed in Directory but comes up not foun

What you really should be doing, SEO, is hoping we don't decide to eliminate the submission function altogether. Am I the only one who's noticed that we've been getting more sites added while "suggest a site" has been broken? :eek:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Site listed in Directory but comes up not foun

No, the word for someone with a sense of urgency over what one can't possibly control, is "insane." Quick! let's do something irrelevant because we can't do anything about the real problem!" ODP editors may be obsessed, but are generally not insane.

We have confidence that the problem will be fixed, just as other problems have been. We know that the technical people give the editor's needs higher priority than the public views, and as editors we strongly approve and warmly appreciate that! And we're busy reviewing and adding sites, which is OUR job. When the pipes start working as a result of someone ELSE's work, the result of our focusing on our task and not someone else's will be visible: the directory will be more comprehensive and more current.

Sanity. It's more than a mental state. It's a way of life.
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