Site listed in ODP directory but not in OPD Sites.



Hello all;
First, thanks for all the hard work. I have two questions and I don’t know if both of them fit in this particular section of the forum.

1) Our site is listed in this category however when you do a search on for key words wedding favors or wedding favor which is our primary product, it does not show up under Open Directory Sites. Was wondering what is wrong?

2) We submitted a request to change the title and description for this site over a month ago and we think made another request or sent a question to the editor about three weeks later. Was wondering what happened. Hope that the system did not think it was spam. Any way we would like to change the title to “A Wedding Favor” which is our domain name and the description to “Offers unique, distinctive and personalized wedding favors, and wedding reception decorations and supplies”. We feel that this requests for change more appropriately describes the site contents for the surfer.

Thanks for any help you can give and keep up the good work.


Nov 6, 2002
Re: Site listed in ODP directory but not in OPD Si

As to 1), dmoz search doesn't do keywords. It finds your site just fine when you type in It also finds it when you type in some words from the description. The more words you use, the fewer other results.

The title thing I'll call 2a), you seem to have removed all reference to VSE Associates lately, including the title metatag and the copyright notice so a request for a title change would seem reasonable. But it won't be expedited because it wasn't our error. We listed the site title that was there when it was reviewed. Are you really allowed to change the copyright like that while keeping the 1996 date? I Learn something new every day.

The Title part of the last of your four update requests looks reasonable to me (I likely won't be the one deciding), but the other three are so far out of guidelines that I'll do you a favor by deleting them.

Let's call the description change 2b), and it ain't gonna happen. The search isn't the only part of dmoz that doesn't do keywords.


Curlie Meta
Mar 26, 2002
Actually, the search is working fine. Both the searches for wedding favor and the plural bring up the category you are in as the first result. The real purpose of a search on a directory should be to bring up the best category and related categories for the topic you are searching for.

We are not a search engine and you shouldn't expect a search on a directory site to act the same as a search engine.



Re: Site listed in ODP directory but not in OPD Si

Thanks for the info everyone and for the quick response. We fixed the copyright thing and thanks for bringing it up to our attention. Is there anything I need to do on my end for the Title change or do I just hang tight?


Nov 6, 2002
Re: Site listed in ODP directory but not in OPD Si

It's probably best to just wait now. Likely the editor reviewing that last request will ignore the description requested and evaluate the requested title change on its merits.

Another option would be to put in one more update request, either asking for just the title change or that and a guidelines compliant description, and perhaps an apology [in brackets, like this] for the number of previous requests.

Either way, feel free to check back here about status if you haven't seen the change after at least a full calendar month. Should you check back, please use the submission status forum after reading the posting guidelines there.

[edited to direct status request to correct forum]
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