Site listed in wrong category?


Jun 3, 2006
Thank you for considering to be included in the DMOZ directory.

While I appreciate the listing, I'd just like to ask whether it is listed in the wrong category?

At present, it is listed in a category for Commercial Services > Ecommerce solutions:

However, please note that Platinax does not sell ecommerce solutions, and neither does it offer any particular commercial services, other than advertising and paid directory listings.

Platinax is a small business resource site, built to help small business get more from the internet through articles, help forums, news (syndicated by Google News) and business blogs.

Perhaps this category may be more appropriate?

Thank you for your time.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
I can't answer that question, but I can tell you how to get somebody who can to consider it :)

Please go to the category where your site is listed, and click the "Update listing" link at the top of the category page. Fill out the form (it asks you to give the URL of your site, and to provide a reason for changing the listing), and mention why you feel it's mis-classified, and where you think it should go.

One mistake a LOT of site owners make when they submit an update request, is to try and get the site's title and/or description changed into something that isn't in accordance with our guidelines. Human nature and sod's law being what they are, sometimes an editor will just notice that part of the update request and throw it out thinking that the site owner only wants to add keywords to their description... so avoid that pitfall! {moz}
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