Site listing removed then new one added


Apr 21, 2005
I have a site that was listed in specific category:

plus regional

These have both been deleted. Since they were deleted, it seems that someone has replaced them with the owning company website. This website is simply a holding website, pointing to the full content driven website, where all content is 100% original, including videos and features on the BBC news.

The owning company website is now listed in the original regional category and under storage.

My question is this. The main site is the one removed. This contains all the information and 100% original content about data recovery, however, a far inferior, irrelevant site has been listed. What can I do to get the main site listed?

FYI 90% of my companies turnover is from the Data Recovery site, and NOT the trading name.
FYI 2 - I had a disagreement a while ago with a Meta editor. Could this have anything to do with it?

Sorry for the controversial post, but I dont know any other way to find these answers?

Should someone ask what the sites are, I will of course tell them. I have not posted the domains here as I dont think its ethical.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
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Oct 29, 2006
From an ODP perspective your 'site' is your total internet exposure, not a specific url.
The main site is the one removed. This contains all the information and 100% original content about data recovery, however, a far inferior, irrelevant site has been listed.
In general the most 'official' site that links to all your content is the one that is listed, usually this is the parent company site where several business units are sections of the same company, even if they have their own urls.
What can I do to get the main site listed?
From your description, the main site is the one that is now listed. It may not be the url you would prefer, but it is the business site. (note I have not looked at the site/history, am merely working off the information you provided)

Re FYI#1 - We are not interested in turmover, but in the unique content - for a business that is the business itself, not what it does. What it does is what categorisation is about.

ReFYI#2 - No. Metas are, like all other editors, cross checked in their editing by other editors (all editors have access to editor logs for other editors, metas included)
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