Site name change


Aug 25, 2009

I just wanted to know if anyone would be able to help me out please. I work on a website for a company that has recently changed its name. How would I get this changed in dmoz?

Thanks in anticipation


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
Go to the category where the site is listed and click on the update listing link on the top right of the screen.



Aug 25, 2009
Thanks, I managed to find that after I posted....

Any idea how long this would usually take to get changed?


Aug 25, 2009
Thank you for your response.

It appears that our site has been removed from the directory, however I asked for us to be moved into another one and this hasn't happened. Does this mean that we need to resubmit our site or should I just wait and it should reappear in the correct section in the near future?

Also when I search for our site it still appears in the list and under the wrong section, how would this be amended?

Sorry to be a pain, it just seems really unclear on what I need to do, especially as there is no correspondence at all.

Thank you in anticipation.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
It appears that our site has been removed from the directory, however I asked for us to be moved into another one and this hasn't happened.
Maybe the editor processing your request didn't have permissions at the destination. Some volunteer who has will finish the job in time.

OTOH, maybe the editor processing your request decided that it was unlistable (self-check) and removed it.

In neither case is there any point in suggesting it again.

Also when I search for our site it still appears in the list and under the wrong section, how would this be amended?
Search doesn't work from the live directory. Currently, the search results come from a database snapshot taken on 2009-08-21.


Aug 25, 2009
Ok I think that clears it up, there is nothing that makes us unlistable as we have changed nothing other than our operational name.

We will just have to wait until it has been updated in due course.


Aug 25, 2009
Should i resubmit our site?

Basically about 2-3 months ago now i suggested that dmoz change our entry because we had changed how our business is operating (this was a legal change too). All I wanted was to refine the description and move from one topic to a very similar topic.

There is no reason for our site be removed as we breach none of the policies and the section I request us to be moved too is correct as it contains all of our peers.

I have no idea what's happened and wondered if this timescale is acceptable to resubmit our site?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Edit: I've just checked and the orginal submission was in August.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
There aren't any outstanding update requests from so long ago in the English language sections of our directory. I deduce that your particular request must have been declined.

By all means try again, but first look at these tips.

- We rarely change a URL if the original is still functional. If that's what you wanted, please arrange for the old to redirect to the new.

- Avoid the temptation to over-egg the title and description. Hype can trigger the editorial reflex to decline, perhaps missing a more important part of the request.

- We are pretty good at categorising websites. Legitimate move requests, perhaps from one locality to another, are usually fine. In the final analysis, the editor goes by the website itself, not by the owner's wishes.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
barlow1984 said:
Basically about 2-3 months ago now i suggested that dmoz change our entry because we had changed how our business is operating (this was a legal change too). All I wanted was to refine the description and move from one topic to a very similar topic.

There is no reason for our site be removed as we breach none of the policies and the section I request us to be moved too is correct as it contains all of our peers.

The way I read this.
- you made an update request some 2 or 3 months ago
- you now notice that the site is not listed anymore

There are two possibilities
1) An editor agreed that the site should be moved to another category. It is now waiting review in that new category. Most probably because the editor did not have access to that new category.
2) While looking at your update request the editor noticed that the site does not meet our guidelines. This can happen if the site has changed or if the guidelines have changed after the site was originaly listed.

Most probably it is option 1.
But nomather which of these options is true I see no reason to suggest the site again.

If on the other hand the site is still listed without the requested change you could make a new update request as jimnoble already mentioned.


Aug 25, 2009
I see those 2 posts as conflicting, are submissions and amendments seperate?

If so are there any amendments outstanding from August?

As I said in my previous post (and previous threads) the only thing that has changed is that we are no longer are 1 type of business and we are now another similar business type.

Title and description was more or less the same, apart from a bit of legally type wording that was needed to say that we are now part of x organisation.

Could this be part of the problem? If our business is now under a bigger umbrella, will that make a difference to our submission? The company that we are under is listed in the same section that I want our site to be in. Although we are part of the same organisation we do act seperatly.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> I see those 2 posts as conflicting,
No they are not, they just speek about 2 possible ways of explaining your question.

> are submissions and amendments seperate?
Yes they are.

> If so are there any amendments outstanding from August?
As stated by jimnoble: No.

> Could this be part of the problem?
There is no problem. Although it might look to you as being a problem.

> If our business is now under a bigger umbrella, will that make a difference to
> our submission?
Not submission (which we call suggestion). But it might influence the listing of a website.
> The company that we are under is listed in the same section that I want
> our site to be in. Although we are part of the same organisation we do act
> seperatly.
This might be a reason for not listing a website. We prefer not to list websites that are related to each other, in such cases we only list the main site. But it all depends on the content of the website(s).

As we do not discuss individual situations I see no possibility to ask or answer more questions about this situation.
Also notice this sentence on
Please recognize that making the ODP a useful resource requires us to exercise broad editorial discretion in determining the content and structure of the directory. That discretion extends (but is not limited) to what sites to include, where in the directory sites are placed, whether and when to include more than one link to a site, when deep linking is appropriate, and the content of the title and description of the site. In addition, a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time at our sole discretion. You should not rely on any aspect of a site's inclusion in the directory.  Please understand that an editor's exercise of discretion may not always treat all submissions equally. You may not always agree with our choices, but we hope you recognize that we do our best to make fair and reasonable decisions.


Apr 5, 2004
As I said in my previous post (and previous threads)
The two threads are about exactly the same thing, so I have merged them. This makes it more obvious that you have been given the same explanation several times, in different ways, and hopefully that will make it easier to understand. :)


Aug 25, 2009
Thanks for linking these threads, makes it more helpful :)

pvgool - So basically do nothing and don't be included?

I understand that you can't talk about individual cases on an open forum, but there is no way to discuss any case though is there?

I know I've made a few posts about this now, I just wanted clarity really about what's actually happening. As I can't see what the justification of removal is other than 'editors discretion' unless the editor knows in great detail about the business' situation (which I highly doubt they will) and how we are currently opertating and also how that differs from how we previously operated.

As I'm sure you can appritiate, inclusion into your index is something we'd like, but I'd just like confirmation of if we can't be included and if there is something that we can fix then we'll do it.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> but there is no way to discuss any case though is there?
Correct. There is no way to discuss such things. Not on this forum and not through private conversation.

> As I can't see what the justification of removal is other than 'editors
> discretion'
Our guidelines are very clear about which sites we prefer to list.

> As I'm sure you can appritiate, inclusion into your index is something we'd like,
Sure, And so do millions of other people.

> but I'd just like confirmation of if we can't be included
Sorry, such a confirmation needs a review of the website. And that is something we do not do on command, And just looking at what happened with the listing would be a status request. Something which we also do not do.

> and if there is something that we can fix then we'll do it.
Nothing that I could think about.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The editor won't be reviewing the way you do business. (Otherwise Microsoft and AT&T could never have been listed!)

The editor will be reviewing the information on the website--basically looking for significant unique information. You're always, ALWAYS free to put more unique information on your website. (That would be the only conceivable way to fix a problem of "insufficient unique information!)
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.