Site Not Getting Listed


Apr 14, 2009
I have other sites listed in DMOZ and posted a submission over a year ago. Six months ago I figured I might not have submitted correctly and did it again. My site has been up for about 18 months and still after these submissions is not listed -- though it is getting about 100 unique visitors a day (not a lot, but at least a fairly steady stream). I also put in to become a reviewer, and no one ever got back to me. I wonder now why that would be. There is no way to check on what is going on...and say, for example, that I was writing a book and the other reviewer for the section I wanted to be in was my competition...seems they might conveniently not list my book, and conveniently reject my application for becoming a reviewer... do I check on the process, find out what is going on and get my site listed? I've waited over a year, trying to be patient and at the same time never having had to wait more than a few months before...I am listing this site in the same place as another site that is for a different book on a different, but related, product, so I know it is the right place.

What do I do?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There's no way for a site suggestor to check on a suggestion. If it was NOT a good suggestion, then that's one suggestion that doesn't DESERVE feedback. If it was a good suggestion, it should be listed eventually (but nobody knows when.)

And suppose it's a good suggestion, but accidentally gets deleted? This is (1) a rare problem, and (2) by definition, it's not something that the suggester can be in a position to address constructively (because, of all people, the suggester is the LAST person who can tell the difference between a good suggestion which was accidentally deleted, and a bad one that should have been ignored.

Editing volunteers can see some information about site suggestions, because they use that information to build the directory. Editors can see how their own suggestions are handled -- but can't lobby for treating them differently. (The community doesn't tolerate that kind of self-serving use of ODP privileges.)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I am listing this site in the same place as another site that is for a different book on a different, but related, product, so I know it is the right place.

Then there's no problem. Just link the two sites together. Since they're in the same place, one ODP listing can serve to give them both visibility. (In fact, one link from ANYWHERE serves to give them both visibility.)

There's no need to treat the ODP specially; and there's no need to pester everyone who's given one link to give another one (a massive and totally unnecessary waste of linking effort!) The links between the sites can be handled by you, and you alone: and since you are the person who knows most about the two sites and their relationship, that is the ideal division of responsibility.


Apr 5, 2004
What do I do?
Well, you could perhaps read "Note: These threads are NOT for Submission Status!" and/or "Discontinuation of site status checks" which can be found prominently displayed at the top of this forum.
Or maybe the FAQ entitled "Questions about suggesting your site to the directory".
I also put in to become a reviewer, and no one ever got back to me.
Thank you for applying to help. All applicants receive feedback, so you might want to check that it did not get lost in your spam filter. You are welcome to ask about the status of your editor application by posting the required details in the thread for that purpose, and if it has indeed been processed already, you are welcome to re-apply. :)
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.