Site not listed at Dmoz


Sep 2, 2007
Please tell me, Dmoz editors, I have submitted a site which is

<Removed, no specific URL's will be discussed.>

Please put www. at start and .com at the end :)

I have submitted this site 8 months ago. Its not accpeted so far.

My question is, Is there any chance for my site to get listed ?

I will really appreciate if any kind hearted editor take a look at my site and tell me if its not of a good quality or any other reason for which it can't listed here.

I check my site at dmoz after few days or weeks, but so far I can't see my site here at Dmoz.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Hello, as you can see, specific sites aren't discussed, but your question can still be answered...
We have public guidelines for what is listable, how and where - If the site doesn't contravene any, all that is required is that it gets suggested once to the most appropriate category, and it will eventually be listed.
The timescale is variable and ranges from days to years, due to the editors being humans, and so rather unpredictable...
Brgds :)

(The Faq might also be useful in answering your question)
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