Hutcheson, I appreciate your criticism. You certainly make valid points, do so diplomatically.
However I take issue with two of your statements:
-- Based on my background as a generator of HTML pages from databases, I would not have described the site's unique content as "100 pages", but as "rather less than half of that behind." Or, to emphasize the user-interface aspect, "several treasures have been hidden in 100 rooms full of twisty little passages."
Designing an interface that allows someone to see all 100 pages with one click is next to impossible, and yet we've almost done this. Also, when you state that "there are less than half of 100 original pages" this is simply not true. Although many pages are similar (the state-law pages, for anyone who ares to look) the content within them is all unique to that page, within reason.
CNN's main purpose is arguably to present news to people, and their situation is not strictly comparable.
Of course, that could be a valid position. However, Cnn is a business, and it's business model relies on advertising. As do we.
But let's leave cnn out of it. What about all the other sites sites like ours that are in the directory, that have arguably less content than our site, and also rely on advertising to make money? Why do they get to be in the directory and we don't?
It's simple: there is a bias among people outside of the affiliate business against affiliates. I've been doing this for a really long time, so I ought to know.
It may seem low-brow, or down-market, or what have you. Fine.
But so is (a direct competitor of ours). They get multiple listings in Dmoz because their business
appears to be original somehow, when it's not. There are thousands of other examples.
I certainly appreciate editor's desire to keep the directory free or repetition, which listing affiliate sites of leads to. But, again, mentally block the affiliate links on the site, and just look at the content! If it stands up to scrutiny, as I believe our site does, then it should be allowed in.
Hutcheson also suggested:
And you need to be focusing on website promotion venues that (unlike ODP) accept paid commercial advertisements.
Of course we are doing that too. But as many people know, getting high positions in Google is the name of the game. And to do so, you really need an ODP link. Therefore, when we are being denied a listing in the directory, we are actually being denied a high ranking in Google. This is something that I cannot ignore.
My company is developing 11 different services along the lines of the one mentioned in this thread. They are all unique sites, which deal with different subjects. It has taken us almost two years to research and write the content.
Now, I am risking losing valuable traffic because of a bias on the part of editors who do not understand the affiliate's point of view.
< /end meandering rant <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> >