Site removed after years of inclusion


Feb 22, 2005
My site,, used to be listed in DMOZ under Home/Homemaking/Frugality/Coupons for the last 4+ years, along with about 59 other sites. I recently noticed that all but 8 or so sites were removed, including mine. I would like to ask why, and also ask if these listings will be reinstated. A couple of days ago I thought to resubmit, but under the category of: /Regional/North_America/United_States/Arizona/Metro_Areas/Phoenix_Metro/Business_and_Economy/
I would appreciate any feedback, as I have enjoyed my inclusion and am anxious to get listed again if this is at all possibe. Thank you.


Apr 15, 2003
As part of ongoing quality control, it was reviewed again, and it was decided that it it no longer listable in that category - see

Please suggest only sites related to using money-saving coupons or sites which offer direct, valid coupons related to homemaking. Please note that sites must have substantial and obvious non-affiliate content to be considered for listing.

Since it was removed completely and not moved to another category, it appears the site is not listable in the directory.

This decision is not open to discussion - but you might look at an old Google copy of that category and notice a large number of sites have been removed besides yours


Feb 22, 2005
Thank You, One More Question

I appreciate your prompt reply.

Each advertiser on my site looks at their page on as if it is their own web page (which it obviously is) and they each promote it in-house to their existing customers. Having said that, could individual pages be listed by or for these individual businesses? I see that, which also promotes coupons, has multiple listings for their clients within this category:

Would I stand a chance if I submitted indivual restaurants here?

I thank you in advance for your time.


Jan 23, 2003
There is a huge difference between and your site. Most of the restaraunt listings within AZ eats have a good degree of unique content and also offer coupons. Your sites offer coupons, and happens to have a minimal degree of unique content.

Please do not submit any of the indivdual pages. It will be deemed to be directory abuse.

Your suggestin in the Phoenix metro cat will be considered. You may return to this thread in no less than six months from today to get a status check.


Aug 2, 2002
Sites that consist almost exclusively of advertisements don't provide information, only promotional exposure for their advertisers. DMOZ is after unique informational content. In the past, 4 years ago, the standards for inclusion were different, lower, to today and from time to time an editor will review the entire contents of one of these "legacy" categories to bring the listings up to current day standards. As bobrat has said, this is what happened in this category and the remaining sites all offer more than just coupons (which are, after all, simply business promotions). That 51 of 59 sites were removed shows just how difficult it is to produce original content in this type of site. If you focus on a particular geographic area then it is possible that copious amounts of localised information/content might qualify you for a Regional listing though the site would have been moved had that been the case when it was re-reviewed - pages of adverts don't cut it. Proper, original, restaurant reviews might. Proper restaurant web-sites might. Very comprehensive dining guides might.


Feb 22, 2005
I Understand, but disagree

Greetings, Thank you for your reply.

Although a site full of coupons may seem like nothing but advertisements to you, it is a gold mine of savings to others. Nearly all of the advertisers on this site look at as if it is their own web site and they each promote it accordingly in-house. In addition, sees over 35,000 visitors each month, because the site offers VALUE.

Why DMOZ doesn't keep the old sites or create a new category is something I don't understand. If what you say is true, and the site was nothing but ads, it wouldn't be seeing the amount of traffic that it is. Again, coupons offer value that keep the users coming back time and time again.

It's hard to imagine that two local television stations (ABC & FOX) can feature this web site during prime-time news, but yet it's no longer good enough for the DMOZ *FREE* directory.

If coupons didn't offer value, then you wouldn't have,,, as well as hundreds of direct mail publications across the USA & beyond.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Oh, no doubt you're a very good salesman. You know just the buttons to push. And no doubt the people who offer money for your services think you're giving them what you've told them they want. Everything's fine there.

But there's no place to sell a site here. The site has to sell itself or languish unsold. And ... you're pushing the wrong buttons, in a crowd that really really really doesn't like it's buttons pushed. Sooner or later someone is going to get violently angry, and you're going to get ridden off on a rail, mumbling "what did I say? what did I say?" through a mouthful of tarry feathers.

I'm going to stop the discussion before that happens. Remember, it couldn't have gone anywhere (good) anyway.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.